A dog friendly blog run by the Blitzan family along side the Blitzan web site, ANYONE WISHING TO JOIN IN THE CHAT AND PHOTO SHOWS PLEASE E MAIL ME AT info@mudlarks farm.co.uk ALL WELCOME. You don't have to be owned by a Blitzan to join in, just a Munster lover & a Blitzan relation! We also aim to help and give advice to anyone who gets stuck or has any Munster related problem. www.blitzanmunsterlanders.co.uk
Wednesday, 30 April 2008
Judith, sorry I was at Ali's when you phoned this morning, it must be so hard seeing the puppies go, but Ringo does look happy in his photos. Hope the new owners get some sleep tonight.
Domino and I went to our second training class tonight, and she was the star of the class. She didn't pull me at all, did all that I asked perfectly, didn't bat an eyelid at the other dogs. I just can't believe it, I thought she would be a nightmare. I wish she was as cooperative at home though - like a different dog, so I'll have to work on that.
Judith to make it easier for you just remember coming home last Friday and you'll be glad to hand the darlings over!!!
I'm very glad James is coming to Birmingham too otherwise I would have three extra to show, not sure I will manage the two, let alone 5, phew, not a chance, but then you could of done it for me Elspeth, no worries.
Ringo looks very happy and unfazed by his first car trip, and I think Stig look quite happy with his new addition.
first hours home
Looking forward to it Ali (I was not sure we were allowed the dogs in the bar hence my nominating Gregor to stay with dogs) So James is able to come then? Are we still down for a Diva pup? I hope so. Ceilidh is desperate for a little sister. She has such a great time when we have her out with the other dogs. Oh, my neck will be fine come the show, got vallium to relax the muscles from the doctor today. Hurrah!
Judith, you mentioned a pup that is coming to live in Scotland, is it the new owners first munster? Where about in Scotland? I feel terible for you having them all go to thier new homes. It must be so difficult. It will be rewarding when you see them growing up on the blog though!
just arrived home
Will post some photo's later.
And like the pics Judith.
And Good luck to all who are going to Birmingham.
Blitzans and Canada
Elspeth, not sure yet what time we will leave I will give you a bell on your mobile once we are nearly there, we could of course take the dogs down to the bar, failing that how would Gregor cope with three women, one growing lad, and 5 Munster's if he can face it we could all pile in our room for a drink or two, (might even need three with 6 Munsters in a hotel room!!!)
See you next week! x x Safe Journey.
Good Morning
Leah did I am going to lean on you so heavily that you will, in the end give me most of the seat.
Prima stood in front lifting her leg for a tickle and then threw herself onto her back next to Karen on the sofa for a tummy tickle, and we got away with Logi and Diva in together, it wont be long till they are apart though, probably tomorrow, so a nice relaxing time and a Prima puppy planned for Domino's new best Friend!
Mistypoint Puppies
oh dear
Tuesday, 29 April 2008
Jealousy in Canada
We are just back from ring classes (I have been really bad and missed the last 2/3 weeks just from being really busy and working to get her her bronze etc) The woman saw a huge difference in her and thought she had vastly improved! Then a man swapped with her half way through and she was scared of him. She acted as if he was our strange neighbour, but I have to admit she was not the only dog that looked intimidated and misbehaved for him. Very abrupt and heavy handed. Apart from that she couldn't have done better. Her trot was perfect every time, even when passing inches from the other dogs, so that is a bonus. She really looks like she enjoys it which is all that matters. She will love the show next week with lots of dogs around her and all of the fantastic smells, and the being spoilt rotten. I am a huge sucker for the stalls!
When do you find out how many dogs are in your class etc? Or is that just when you arrive?
Elspeth, Maggie was faced with swans at the resevoir last weekend, they did hiss at her but she is quite a coward and once they turned towards her she came rushing back. It's things that run away that she likes to chase and the poor ducks didn't stand a chance! I'm sure you'll get there in the end especially with Ali's good advice! I took Maggie back to the ducks this afternoon on a long line with the idea of walking past and having control of her on the line. Unfortunately before I'd even got started, as I had the rope in my hand and was trying to sort the rope out she decided to shoot off - being an idot I kept hold of the rope and now have a fairly painful rope burn coverning four fingers of my left hand! Not a good idea, worked when she was a puppy but a bit too strong for me now. She did stop at the sound of me screeming though (lol. I ended up just doing some whistle training in the paddock, which she did well but of course there are no ducks to chase there! I'm determined to get on top of this though, so tomorrow I will take her back on a short lead and walk past telling her to leave and see how that goes.
It must be sad for you Judith saying goodbye to all those lovely pups in a bitter sweet sort of way - I'm sure you'll enjoy the rest and knowing they are going to lovely homes must help but I'm sure you must build up a bond with them in those couple of months. So exciting for the new owners though - I didn't sleep for almost a week before we got Maggie, just so excited!
spelling ???
Posing again

One more sleep
one more sleep
Mother Earth
Got to get organised and start entering for shows, and I am going to search the web for some family ones as well as have not yet found any.
Found one at Badgworth in July which I don't know alot about so will see if I can find out.
Are horses are moulting like crazy at the mo, now that's allot of hair, but then it's not in the house so we only get hairy clothes and the birds are useing it to nest with.
Naughty girl
Our school take their SATs tests week commencing 12th May, don't know if James's will be the same.
Also I am very pleased with Domino this morning, she didn't bark at the dogs we meet on the way back from our walk. Well, she tried to and I just turned around and went to walk the other way, then we tried again and she still looked like she was going to bark, so I walked away again, third time she walked by them and she let me stop and have a chat with the owner without making a sound.
Then when I got to the bus stop this morning with the children, Bridport News were there taking photographs and talking to us about the grumpy pub landlord here who has decided he won't let us use his car park to wait for the bus anymore (long story). I ended up having my photo and name taken along with another mum - yikes. I wish I'd had my hair done.
Catch up
Moving on we are now at the stage of separating Logi and Diva, so harmony has gone, I hate these times, Karen it may be a little unsettled when you visit tomorrow, but there will still be plenty of dogs to come and sit on you, make sure you wear old or doggy clothes as some of them are moulting as well!!!
Sophie, anytime you fancy a visit or meeting up let me know, James would love to train with you or maybe when I come down to Devon to see my family we could meet up as well. Are you going to the Devon County show?
Espeth, thanks for volunteering, or did I push you? !! Lots of strong arms with Gregor as well, I am looking forward to Birmingham, James may have his exams that we, and if he does he wont be able to come so he will be gutted as he is meant to be showing, Prima, Stella and Elle's Lana. So I hope he can go as he is needed, perhaps I should just call the school and ask, maybe the sensible option!!!
Have a great day, I have a load of computer work to do for someone and then it's housework :-(
well it would be embarrassing to have anyone visit the state we're in at the moment!
It's so hard to get going in the morning, I am sat on the sofa and I have Summer curled up on the back of the sofa behind me, Maddie with her head on my lap, Tarka on the other side, Zeta at my feet, Prima on the end of the sofa and it's such a shame to disturb them! Perhaps I shall stay here for just another 10 mins or so.......
Monday, 28 April 2008
Gregor is having a game of rugby with her just now and she loves it.
I do remember Ceilidh trotting up to you and sure she did pick you, she never picked anyone else thats for sure, think we will be staying at the Holiday Inn Express in Stafford with you Elpseth I will let you know once things are sorted. Just over a week to go!
Oh yes tail hair, leave it as it is, if she has a cork screw on the end you can thin it slightly, but I would probably leave it to uncurl as she grows up, don't worry I am sure she will look the part.
Good luck to all of you who are picking up the puppies this week.
And Congratulations to James and Andrew! What a great day for you both! So many prizes.
Looking at the puppy pictures that you put up of Ceilidh, Ilka and Georgia, they are all so similar. I remember when we visited to see the puppies, we had 2 that were all over us (Dot and Shady, but I had a secret eye on Ceilidh too because she was the one behind the Tv trying to eat the cables (I look for mischief in puppies, my parents old dog scamper was picked because he was the one chewing their shoes and eating their laces) I know it was you who suggested we went for her but when we arrived to pick her up I am sure it was her who picked us really, by the way she ran at us when we came in!
Just looking at her now, how do you get the tail hair tame? Or it it okay to leave it as normal for a show?
Going to see the Blitzans
I'm going to try and find or take a photo of Domino tomorrow lying just like Diva in her puppy photo. Domino often stretches out her hind legs right behind her, it looks very uncomfortable.
And the Diva pics in the top one I think she's looks so striking and bottom one very cute if a little flattened at the back end he he.
Ilka has been gradually perfecting the art of muddiness shes getting better and better but has got a way to go to get to the standards of Jiggy as well as Fancy and Maddie (from a video a little while back) and sure other munsters as well. Will try and remember to take a camera next time.
Diva changes
A quiet day
Had a lovely chat with Karen this morning and looking forward to meeting up with Karen for coffee and cuddles with the dogs on Wednesday. Just had a big thunder storm and lost the Internet so quick post before it happens again.
Lovely pictures of Maggie, she is really maturing and looking lovely.
Well done!
Enjoying a run in the grass

On point in a wheat field where she often flushes pheasants

Sunday, 27 April 2008
Not sure....
Sophie who is the trainer?, I used to know all the clubs and trainers in North Devon, bet it has all changed now though, how about a ring craft club that also does obedience, I know a lady, the one I mentioned that lived in umberleigh, she used to hold it in Torrington but think it's moved, I will give her a call and let you know, they're a really freindly, happy bunch of people, and Bryn knows my lot, hangs on to them at shows quite often so could be worth a try with Ilka, I get you the details.
Puppy Pictures
Well Done James!
Well done
I was thinking the same about Georgia, Ceilidh and Ilka ike the pics. Have to admit Ilka was on venison for a while again which must have allot of natural vitamins and other things in it as it's wild,and seems to give her a very shiny coat.
And hopefuly just got to fill in a form going to start some training classes soon (for socialising) the woman is an Agility person(probably not a technical term) so I think we're doing the basic training which she does for people wanting to do Agility who need to train a bit first she was going to do a puppy class but only one other person wanted to, oh and she's a vegetarian (not that there is any thing wrong with that) just I was out for a ride so Dad picked up the phone and sort of put his foot in it talking about her going to be a gun dog ect ect,no problem she just didn't want to talk about it.and I might do some Agility over there when Ilka's old enough as apparently it's all quite a laugh and a bit of fun.
Glad Zeta is getting better
Good luck new puppy owners there so cute, remember it being alot of little trips to the garden.
Well done
I was at a seminar run by Pet Behaviourist, Peter Neville today, it was really good, he was very inspiring and as always I come home wanting to go on all the Pet Behaviour Therapy courses, maybe next year.
Lovely to hear that Zeta is feeling a bit better, James must feel better having done so well today.
Good luck to the new pup owners this week, wish I was one of them.
I will try to ring you tomorrow Ali, will you be around?
The way they were.....
That's it I think I have remembered it all now, having a senior Blonde day today!!!!!!!!!!
Catch up
Elspeth a few years ago there was a gorgeous looking Munster boy who swam into a river and got caught in a weir, depsite the owner jumping into save him and nearly drowning herself, the poor lad drowned it was a big upset to all of us who knew him and his owner, it can happend even to the best swimmers, awful isn't it.
Good luck to all the owners and puppies who are leaving this week, safe journeys to you all, and I hope you get good nights sleep!
Zeta is on the mend still stiff and sore but brighter, my sympathy to you Elspeth, I get muscle spasms and it's agony, Logi knows it too, take care and keep your neck warm, you need to be better for Brimingham show!
A much nicer day
To Cheer James up we took, Prima, Tarka and Summer to a Companion and Family dog show, I was kennel maid and Andrew, (yes Andrew!) and James did the showing. James won best pedigree with Prima, he then took Summer in and won Best Mover, Andrew was 4th in most appealing eyes with Tarka and 2nd in best local dog, James beat 30 kids for best Junior handler then he went in for Best in Show and won it with PRIMA. It really lifted his spirits, it was a fun relaxed afternoon, I didn't do a thing! and Andrew joined in. Zeta stayed home on the sofa with Mum, Leah, I think she watched the Grand Prix! so she had a relaxing time too.
Really proud of James and the dogs as there was a lot of Terriers there, a lot of which kept diving out to have a go at the girls and not one of them, curled a lip. James just did his thing bless him.
matched to names
the correct puppy
Troy is actually Hudson/Totti Zoe ?
Marley is actually Brodie/3 spot well spotted jim
Dylan is actually Ringo/little man rosie ?
Merlin is actually Marley/ziggy ok both start with m
Ringo is actually Merlin/bling
Brodie is actually Dylan/Ace
Hudson is actually Troy who has always been Troy
Mungo who was Smudge is correct.
my brain now hurts so going to bed, have to be up 4 in the morning :(
These pictures andv ideo are from our forest walk today. I hope I have put the right video up so you can see 16 year old Kylie swimming and Ceilidh, Toby is at the edge prancing and jumping too. He doesn't swim as he had a really bad experience when he was a pup. We had taken all of the dogs out for a walk on his first christmas and he decided the river was fun and was playing at the edge and then disappeared under the water. It had been raining for days on end so was really strong. He managed to get out but we were ready to jump in after him if he hadn't. So you can see why he doesn't swim. (we do know that jumping in after a dog is silly as they are more likely to come out alive than you, but when you are in these circumstances it is the first thing that you want to do!)
We hope Zeta is feeling better today. Great pictures of Georgia, I take it the snow one was from a few weeks ago and not this weekend? We have had a mini heat wave here today!
Ali, you had said the other dogs were being gentle and quiet as they knew Zeta was hurt. Ceilidh has been like that all weekend with me, I woke up at 5.30am yesterday and couldn't move my head. After doing ice packs and heat packs for an hour Gregor had to phone NHS 24 and they think it had gone into a spasm or possibly a trapped nerve. Absolute agony and Ceilidh jumped up and started kissing me (where it was sore) bless her. She has been very cuddly and close all weekend so i think she must know.The jumping up onto the bed on top of me obviously didn't help but she only needed to do it once for my cry to stop her doing it again. I think she will make a great big sister to our next one. Protective and nursing in her own way. Bless her cottons.
Hello from Georgia
Saturday, 26 April 2008
I will make it to Birmingham no matter what, I hope it's not famous last words!
Zeta & James
A staffy went for Ceilidh a few weeks ago but thankfully the owner had put it on a lead as they obviously knew their dog was aggressive. She went barmy growling and barking etc, ready to fight back, she did the same with one of the bernese next to my mum and dad when it had a snap at her and paddy over the fence. Never went for either of the dogs mentioned just showed that she was ready to protect herself. I don't think she would really know what to do if it ever came to it though. Probably wait for one of us to step in.
It is just so completely irresponsible of them to let it out! A man walks around our area with 2 rotties but he always puts them on a lead when he sees people or dogs. Not because they have a temper (they are such softies its unbelieveable) but he does it because he knows how people react to the breed and he chooses to be responsible about it.
Ali, I wont ask what was siad but I assume that something has been sorted out with them now.
Oh, did you get accommodation for Stafford?
Lo0ve the pictures everyone has posted. Fantastic "brownie" photos. He looks so happy with his toy, even if he doesn't quite know what do do with it. We will have some photos tomorrow, Ceilidh has a date with Toby for a big forest walk so I will get plenty pictures then.

Dogs had a play with Purdey the flat coat this morning she is so submissive even to Ilka she rolled on her back, her owner said Purdey was frightened the other day by about four dogs who all went for her and the owners did nothing.
Photo is Ilka on exmoor earlier today.
Hope Zeta gets better soon.
Thinking of Zeta and James
When Pete comes home later I'll get him to put the link up to where we get if from and it tells you all about it.
Swim time

Zeta Up date
All the dogs here are very quiet they know Zeta is poorly and Leah is being an absoulte darling washing and mothering Zeta all the time, she hasn't left her side. Thanks for all the good wishes for Ze and James.
Catch Up
So sorry Ali to hear about James' and Zeta's experience - very frightening for them both and reflects on the lab's owners. A similar thing happened with our last dog, Hintza (that's him - an off-the-wall flattie!). A young, out of control Airdale being walked by the owner's elderly father waged a completely unprovoked attack. Hintza was bitten and the old man fell and cut himself on stones - I must admit I was more concerned about my dog! I visited the owners and threatened, and meant, that if I ever saw their dog off the lead again in a public place I would report them to the police. They were very pleased when 3 yrs later we moved from the village!!!!!!

On a lighter note here are a couple of pictures of Zydo. Not sure he got the hang of the new toy!!!!!!!!! And the other one was taken when I was visiting my mum in Cardiff in woods nearby. I felt he needed a walk after being in the car for so long. Loved seeing the pictures of Gyp - he is Zydo's brother and a fellow "brownie". I can't believe how different in colouring they are but equally beautiful. Gorgeous day here in Surrey so now off for a long walk across Hankley Common.

Friday, 25 April 2008
Noisy dogs
Poor Zeta and James
Poor Zeta
And Judith Smudge?
Karen love the pic and video very funny (it did work).
Maybe wrong
pups, neighbours and new camera

Good Luck
As for the neighbours thing, I knew everyone would have a story. Ali, your sound dreadful. There must be some sort of law against the barking breach of peace or something. The neighbour I had said we had problems with is the one that Ceilidh hates. She goes wild whenever she hears, sees or smells him.
Five more sleeps
as he grows.
Stig barks in the garden for no obvious reason , we think maybe because he is lonely all though we play its not the same as having a four legged friend to play with, we are hoping the barking stops when Ringo comes. Sometimes he looks so sad sitting on his own up the dog run like Billy no-mates.
They have done a few things without permission and the husband is a bit odd (made one or two odd comments to little sis (who has long blond hair) and spied on our garden when Mum was in it in the summer, you get the idea, he also looks a bit creepy but not at all threatening, hes not got the bottle to face Dad), and put nails and ash in a farmers gateway cos there was mud in the road, and has done couple of other things, his nick name in the village is Gollum (off Lord fo the Rings as hes a lookalike) very few are friends with them, sorry to hear about every ones neighbours, we've not got big problems really.