Sunday, 28 February 2010

Maier and the beach

We took Maier to Formby for her first experience of the beach and sea. She loved it! She enjoyed exploring the sand dunes with Max, digging and rolling in the sand but she wasn't too interested in the sea! Maybe it was a bit chilly for paddling!

The puppies are looking gorgeous and I expect they are growing fast. So good of Tinker to babysit!

Karen, how is little Simba doing? He looks like he will turn into a very good looking cat. Will he stay the same colour do you think? Will you be showing him? As adults they are very striking cats indeed and usually full of character.
Any up-date on Dodger? Has his tummy upset settled down?

Friday, 26 February 2010

Here is the latest picture of Cosmos, sent from his home in Connecticut. He's in great shape and thoroughly enjoyed his trip to the beach. Training is, by all accounts, going well and is coping well with the hot competition for attention from all the other dogs in the family. I wonder just how big his owners think he is going to grow judging from the size of his collar!! He certainly won't get lost on the beach.

His sister Tansy is also doing well in training and her retrieving instincts seem to be all there. I think she has been spoilt having always been with her mother and gets into a bit of a state if she's separated for a minute. Lula on the other hand is quite glad to have a break occasionally!!


So sorry read about Button it is very sad. Ringo had to have a little op yesterday. two weeks ago we found a lump in his mouth and was given two lots of antibiotics as they didn't know if it was an abscess or a foreign body but as he hadn't gone down much the vets decided to have a look under anesthetic . She had hoped to remove it but it's attached to his gum and if it is any thing nasty they will need to take all of it away. We have to wait 3-5 days for the results of the Biopsy . We are all hopeful its nothing to bad . Ringo spent the day charming the vets and nurses and all the workers at the surgery. Two took their breaks with him as they found him so charming. He is so healthy and full of beans we can't see it can be anything to bad.

Tinker puppy sits for Summer!!!

Tinker has been desparate to get in with the babies for a cuddle and last night she got her wish, suddled up with Shadow, she was purring so loudly, she was ecstatic!

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

That's such a lovely photo of Summer and her babies - she looks so content. I will be very jealous of everyone getting a puppy that looks like Summer!!!
Cuddles with Mummy! Mummy does her job whilst a proud Daddy Darcy looks on. One very happy Family, I actually caught Darcy in the box early this morning, I let Summer our to the toilet, came back to see Daddy washing all his babies, Summer flew back in but didn't ask him to get out!!!!

Sparko!! Excuse the bits Summer had tea in there and I was about to change their bed! All getting very sooty toes now!

Thank you ALL of you on here and via phone and email, your words have been much appreciated, I know these things happen but never before to me and hopefully never again. I was so upset but I did what I could.

All the others are doing very well, strong and healthy and very very cute, all going to end up like Summer in colouring, but then so did the babies from the Summer and Strider mating. Lovely pictures of the dogs in snow, all of the dogs are looking very fit and well.

Dear Ali - what a frightful tragedy, you must be quite devastated. We both understand how incredibly distressing it must have been for you and James. We are amazed at how desperately hard you tried but nature will have it's way sometimes and there is little we can do. Thinking of you with love Loudon & Grania
So sorry to hear about little baby Button, so sad. It must have been very hard as he was so young and tiny.

The pictures of the puppies are great - they are all so cute! It is hard to imagine that Maier was once that small! They certainly do grow fast!

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Ali - so very sorry to hear about little Button, our thoughts are with you all. Big hugs x
So sorry to hear about baby Button Ali - must have been very hard for you and poor James. The other puppies look gorgeous - love those little paws - so sweet!
Sorry to hear about poor baby Button Ali - it must be very sad for you all.
Lovely pictures of all the other babies especially the one with Daddy Darcy!

Blitzan Puppy Pics

Daddy is getting braver!! What is odd as soon as he sniffs the babies, he automatically washes them and then opens his back legs, I have told him he may be special and clever but even he can't produce a milk bar!!!
Andrew has a cuddle

Summer's babies

Uhu Pip
Shadow Clover
Was Gizzmo now Misty

Zig Zag
We have had a very tough 10 days, poor Summer has struggled to produce enough milk, so the bottles have been in a lot of use. Also for the first time in my many years of breeding dogs, I lost a week old baby. Poor baby Button was put to sleep on Sunday evening. It has really been so upsetting and many a tear has been shed, it really upset James, well all of us really. On Friday, I noticed Button was wet and felt a little cold, he was away from the others so I picked him out and sat him on my lap, wrapped in a towel and a heat pad, cuddled in my arms. I spoke to the vet and gave him some warm fluids and a tiny dash of Brandy. He certainly warmed up but he wouldn't drink anything, again I rang Graham (my Vet) and this time I syringed glucose and fluids into him every couple of hours, he slept wrapped up beside me, every so often Summer came to check on him and Darcy guarded him all night.
Saturday morning I was in the Vets first thing, the only other symptom he has was Diarrhoea, not raging but definitely runny. He also wet himself without the usual stimulation. Graham gave him some fluids under his skin, and an antibiotic and good old Buscopan. It was miraculous, I got home with him and in half an hour he was shouting for his Mum. He fed off her for the afternoon but stopped again by evening. By midnight I was back to syringing and this time I had to inject him with fluids. I was awake most of the night with poor baby Button and was back at the Vets first thing. He was given Buscopan as that worked wonders last time, I got home with him expecting him to rally as he did the previous day, sadly he didn't. A new symptom developed, his poor empty tummy started to swell, back to the Vets where Graham said it was time to let him go.
I had a post mortem done, as I was perplexed by his sudden decline, he was definitely one of the big strong babies, and I was very worried about the other babies. By the time I had driven home Graham had rung Andrew and it turned out poor Button had Kidney failure. He assured me it's not a heredity thing, just one of those cruel twists of nature. Apparently sometimes they can go on for a few weeks and some can even make it to 6 months , which would of been worse. I collected him and he is now buried up at Mudlarks.
So we now have 7 beautiful babies, but sadly only one boy.


He looks a little like the Muenster x Border Collie crosses we've seen in shape, though they didn't have the schimmel coat. Lovely looking dog.

Great photos on here again. I particularly love the ones of Elsa & her new best friend.

Congratulations to Summer & Darcy on the arrival of their pups.

I am so sorry to hear that Cassie is really not well.

Thank you Sandra for your tip about the horse stuff for the snowball tangles. I got some, but Bosco was a right pain as they were so bad. I had to cut them out in the end. He has had some bad experiences with handling in the last months (chewing & exploding a party popper did not help), so I am now doing T-Touch and aiming for shows with sympathetic judges (ones I know to be good with going over the dog), although he still finds it all very exciting most of the time.

We were devastated to hear about Herman.


More Patch Pics

His weight is 80lbs /36kgs and his height is 25.5inches to the shoulder. I think his head gives away a lot...... Tipped ears there has to be some Border Collie in there, anyone else I know what I think but what do you all think.
I have another dog to show case tomorrow, another owner asking what breed is he.

Monday, 22 February 2010

I love that bottom picture of Oscar Mandy - he is very photogenic!

We had snow this morning too but it had gone by this afternoon - it was only a very thin covering but enough to get Maggie and Elsa excited.

Maier has grown a lot!
We also had lots of snow yesterday, the dogs had a great time playing in it, unfortunately we are back to muddy paws today as most of it has thawed now.

So sorry to hear the sad news about Herman.

Sunday, 21 February 2010

More Snow!! Maier out on our walk early this morning, snowing quite heavily, no-one around apart from us and a few ducks and geese! It was really nice and peaceful and Maier absolutely loved it! The snow has all gone now and reverted back to mud!

So sorry to read abut Herman. It was such a shock as he was so young and handsome. Our thoughts are with you Alan and Fiona.

Simba is gorgeous! Looks like he is full of character and he looks quite big too. How big will he eventualy grow?

How are the puppies? Looking forward to seeing more photographs soon, I bet they have grown loads!
Lovely pictures Tor - I had to enlarge the first one cos with my eyesight couldn't see where is head was)lol - I see he was trying to eat the ground he was rolling on! The picture of him on the bridge so reminded me of Elsa - they look so alike. The picture of Dex is a good shot too.
Gorgeous pictures Karen. What a sweetie Elsa is. Our cat still won't cuddle up to Ludo - think she's too long in the teeth for all that. He wouldn't protest though!
Here's just a few pics of Ludo on our coastal walk yesterday.
Having a mad five minutes in the mud! Playing come and get me on the bridge!!
'Cousin' Dex! Not a munsterlander but just a gorgeous picture of him so thought I'd share it!

Elsa's new best friend

Last night Elsa was asleep on the sofa and Simba hopped up to lie next to her. Elsa woke briefly, gave him a kiss and went back to sleep. So lovely to see. I hope Maggie gets there soon too but at the moment he prefers Elsa - probably because he can sense her calm nature - Maggie gets very excited when he is near still.
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Saturday, 20 February 2010

Just heard form Sarah, Jeds hip scores are back, he has a score of 3/4 total 7 so well pleased with that.

Darcy is less scared of the babies now and we have had a poorly one for the last 12 hours, thank fully he has turned the corner and back in with Mum but Darcy was only too happy to snuggle up and help me keep baby warm. Darcy is such a clown though he never fails to make me smile everyday, he's the clown and Logi is the charmer!! I've got the best of both worlds!
Pleased to hear it, and if any one would have a clue Helen surely will especially because of her work. Like I said before we are here so support as well but just feel for those of you that have dogs not bred by me, your first port of call should be to your breeder first, I know I would would want to know and help if I could.
Very cold and frosty here but already the sun is shining, must mean once the babies are sorted it's time for an early morning walk, clean dogs!!! wahoo!!!

Friday, 19 February 2010



Thanks for you support, I have contacted Helen Evans for advice about Cassie, but she doesn't know of anything similar in any other Tarkanya dogs. She was going to talk to her boss about the fact that Cassie's immune system is attacking red and white blood cells as well as platelets, but I haven't heard anything yet...........

New Addition

Simba came to live with us last Sunday. It's been a hard week trying to introduce him to the dogs but we are getting there. Elsa has been an angel with him I have to say and Simba trusts her already. Maggie gets a bit over excited around him still but is improving.
The top pic is of Elsa who went to lie down next to him when he was asleep. She waiting patiently for him to wake up for a while but then started whinning. Simba wrapped his paws around her snout I think in an attempt to shut her up!
It's been very entertaining watching them I must say!
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Happy birthday Cassie, hope things improve for you very soon. Lins have you been in touch with Cassie's breeder, only she may have some answers for you, I know she was very supportive to Herman's owner. We're all here to help but have never had anything to do with it so feel a bit useless for you. Hugs to Cassie and you.
Posted below Karen's pics as they are so gorgeous.
Pauline Troy looks so well and I know just what you mean about a day to feel good, I love the cold days and blue skys, even better if it's frozen the dogs come back clean!!!!
Happy Birthday Cassie, hope you feel better soon!!

Hi everyone, wasnt today one of those good to be alive day. Cold frosty sunshine the best days for wrapping up and taking Troy for a long walk. We went walking along the wharncliffe crags near Sheffield just a fifteen minutes drive away. Here are a few pics.
Happiest Birthday Cassie! Love from us and Ludo xx
Happy Birthday Cassie - keep fighting xxx

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Cassie, 3 yrs old today. The adult picture is from last year, at the moment she is so painfully thin (from the IMHD) that it's not a pretty picture, but she's fighting all the way!
Love you my Princess xxxx


The head reminds me of an Australian Cattle Dog....but I agree, the body looks like a Munster!

More Patch suggestions

Another suggestion has come in this time from Christine Weber. No. Definitely has some Collie/working sheepdog in him but the head shape reminds me of a Dalmation,
I have to say I can see what she means, I have yet to hear back from the owner with regards to his size, weight and a standing picture.
Patch's body looks like a Munsterlander but his head doesn't look the same to me, would be useful to see a photo of him standing.

Thursday, 18 February 2010

He certainly looks like he has some Munsterlander in him but his head shape doesn't look the same and to me his ears are set higher than on a Munster. Maybe be he is a bit of both?

He is or isn't he?

I have received an email from a lady called Karen who lives in California, she has emailed me as she rescued Patch, (pictured above) and was told he was a Cattle dog, Karen doesn't think he is as feels he is a Munsterlander, she has emailed me to see what I think, I have emailed her back to ask about size and weight but would be interested to see what you all think.
So shocked to hear of Fiona and Alan's loss of the lovely Hermann. It is such a tragedy, especially in such a young dog. My thoughts are with them.
Sorry to hear about Herman, such a tragedy to lose such a young dog. Mazy and I met Herman and Alan at the club show last year and he was a lovely dog. Our thoughts are with Alan and Fiona.


Such sad news to read about Herman. I always loved seeing his photos on dog of the day such a handsome chap. It brought back sad memories of our last Munster who had to be put to sleep in Oct 2008, he had cancer in his spine, it broke my heart. He was only 8 years but herman was far too young.
What very sad news about Herman and so young too. :(
So sorry to hear about poor Herman - what a beautiful boy a real tragedy.

Puppies look gorgeous Ali - so looking forward to seeing them grow.

Sorry haven't been on for a while - been busy since we got a new addition to the family last Sunday - a Maine Coon kitten. Been hard work introducing them to the dogs but so far all is going well - Elsa is very good but she had cats in Ali's house which I think has helped - Maggie is getting there. I will try to get some pictures up later. He is a very sweet kitten and has been adopted by my daughter so I don't see much of him!
I will of course pass on your words to Alan and Fiona, I know they will appreciate your words and wishes. Such a sad time, so unusual in our breed to hear of a youngster going with cancer at such a young age. I know I didn't breed him but I have watched him grow up through seeing them at shows and having had photo's sent in for the photo blog from day one, just so sad.
Hannah, will look forward to seeing you at Crufts, I've entered 4 of the family so going to drag Judith along to give me a hand, her arm has been twisted!!!
Babies are doing well, been a bit of a struggle as Summer has had problems with her milk, so any hopes of having 8 and not having to bottle feed have gone!!! Spending a lot of time catching up on sleep most days!!! Anyway all are gaining weight so can't be bad. Summer is being a good Mum, and looks well, she is eating and drinking well too so hope her milk will sort itself out soon so I can get some more sleep!!! Will get some more pictures up shortly. very very sorry

I was devastated to hear your awful news about Herman. Do you remember the SKC last year when people said that they never thought that they would see the Daytroy and Meadlands affixes together in the ring again. I was so proud to be standing beside you and your beautiful boy. My heart goes out to you both. Huggzzz Lindsey Mell.

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

So very very sorry to hear the sad new, Ali please will you pass on to Alan and Fiona our sincere condolences.
Words just never seem enough at times like this, he was such a lovely handsome big strong boy, and will be greatly missed.
Have just read the sad news on dog of the day. My thoughts are with you Alan and Fiona following your devastating loss of Herman. I know what it is like to loose a young dog to cancer - it seems so cruel and is so painful. In time memories of your handsome boy will bring smiles to your face rather than tears in the mean time take care of yourselves.

Tuesday, 16 February 2010


the puppies look gorgeous, conragts summer and darcy. i am going to crufts with my working cocker spaniel in the gamekeepers classes. so probably see you all there. Mandy as for an outfit for Holly to wear i would suggest a trouser suit that is not black, this is what i wear to show munsters either brown, grey, blue or white sometimes red.
Lovely little babies Ali. It must be a wonderful experience seeing them all arrive in the world and grow up in to beautiful dogs - well done.
Are you keeping one from this litter Ali?

Beautiful babies

Ali the puppies are amazing and adorable. Summer and Darcy must be so proud of their little bundles.

It's hard to believe that Dodger could have ever been that small when I look at him now.

Just a quick update, we're off to meet a new vet on Friday, one recommended by a number of dog owners local to us. They see our friends Alaskan Malamute and my friends' Mum's Toy Poodle and they both said they would never go anywhere else, so fingers crossed they can restore my faith somewhat. I've also done a search on the internet and on the review sites there's just lots of people saying how good they are.

Will keep you posted on how it goes and how they react to our little mischief maker!

Congrats to Summer & Darcy

They are completely gorgeous and I wish we were a bit nearer so I could come and be your nanny!! It is making me very broody! Tansy doing really well and such a lovely little (actually quite a strapping girl now) dog. She is doing much better with her training and is a joy to have around. Love to all

Monday, 15 February 2010

Holly & Oscar at LMC Open Show

It has taken me forever to catch up on here! How cute are the puppies.

We will be showing at Crufts and Holly will be doing the showing. Holly has taken such a keen interest in showing Oscar and they make a great team as he is so well behaved for Holly but then he is a very chilled out boy, which is good for Holly as she has never showed before. We are showing next weekend at Huddersfield Gundog Open Show just to give Holly a bit more practice before Crufts. We are off to get her a Crufts outfit at the weekend and will hopefully find something for her to wear. We went to the LMC Feb Open Show and had a lovely day we all really enjoyed it, Holly and Oscar got a first in Junior.

Puppies and Siblings

Summer and Darcy's babies are gorgeous! I love the little "clover mark" on the back of Clover and I think Uhu's little face is adorable! So cute and so tiny with perfectly formed pink feet! It will be great seeing them grow up.

Tessa - to answer your question, Maier was definitely more excited and boisterous than usual when she met up wth DeeDee. She is quite a playful outgoing puppy but she was completely over the top with DeeDee so we think she must have remembered her from their early days with mum and Sandra. It will be interesting to see how she behaves when she meets mum again - if she behaves in the same way we are expecting mum to put her in her place and teach her some manners!! Although she did calm down after a while and her and DeeDee had a great time together. Thanks Sandra for bringing her down - we will definitely have to arrange another get together.

Look forward to seeing some more photographs of the puppies. Summer is looking very relaxed - how is Darcy now? Has he come to terms with the responsibility?


Well Crufts will soon be here, I've not entered this year. Should be working but I may get the time off and get a lift with Ali!!!!!.
Any of you got any shows coming up before hand. Mandy are you going with Oscar? And will Holly be showing him? She handled him really well at Manchester.
The pups are so cute, it will be lovely watching them grow up.

My Boys.............

Bailey waiting for his daily "willy wash" from Louis!