A dog friendly blog run by the Blitzan family along side the Blitzan web site, ANYONE WISHING TO JOIN IN THE CHAT AND PHOTO SHOWS PLEASE E MAIL ME AT info@mudlarks farm.co.uk ALL WELCOME. You don't have to be owned by a Blitzan to join in, just a Munster lover & a Blitzan relation! We also aim to help and give advice to anyone who gets stuck or has any Munster related problem. www.blitzanmunsterlanders.co.uk
Wednesday, 30 June 2010
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
Oh we do like to beside the seaside!!
Monday, 28 June 2010
Thursday, 24 June 2010
The Barker Family out on a picnic and enjoying the lovely summer weather.
Apologies for not logging on sooner, it's great to read everyone's news and seeing all the lovely pics and videos.
Chumleigh is growing fast and loving running around, playing hide and seek and of course being cuddled!! We have joined a local puppy training class and chumleigh is loving being with all the other puppies (She is the biggest and most playful by far!!!!) She is picking up the training really well and is also learning a few new tricks which is fun for both of us!
Well love to all.
Alex, Rob and Chumleigh xox
Trumorlund x Blitzan Babies!!!!
I would love to have another go at it in the future though, perhaps when Dave isn't working away from home as much, we could go for a long weekend, as you say great to watch the dogs do what comes naturally, and a nice friendly relaxing atmosphere.
Dee Dee is much improved today, I was a bit worried about her earlier in the week as I didn't think she was making as much progress as she should have done, but this morning she seems a whole lot better, either the rest or the Metacam has kicked in and she seems very much improved.
Thanks everyone for thinking of her, lovely to have a bit of support when we are worried about our much loved dogs.
This morning I had to physically restrain her from having a wrestling match with Narla, they seem to really enjoy rolling about, and I am practically frantic in case she injures herself again, and they look at you as if what's up mum we are only playing !!!!
How is Elsa now Karen ? hope she is also felling much better now.
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
I hope Dee Dee and Elsa are both improving.
We were at the LMC Nat App at the weekend with both boys. We had a great time. I'd certainly recommend to anyone to try one out if you get the opportunity. No competition, just a relaxing day, letting the dogs try out their abilities at hunting, swimming and tracking.
Had a lovely walk along the beach this morning. Apologies of the poor photo quality but it was my phone they were taken on and it was quite sunny too. Ceilidh is now out for the count but not for long, headed up the glens shortly so she will be one well exercised girl today! Lovely to see you Sharon, the boys are looking lovely.
Good to hear Elsa was brighter Karen, fingers crossed she keeps improving!
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
Monday, 21 June 2010
Judith we have sight of about six seagull nests - if not more - from our house as we are on the side of a hill and look down on the chimney pots. One pair have built their nest on top of the anti gull spikes that have been placed on the pot. They're busy with three babies a little precariously! Fascinating to watch if rather noisy rather a lot of the time.
Jed and Elva cooling off
This is Jed and Elva in the pond cooling off. Although Jed can swim, he has to in the hydro therapy pool, he won't go out of his depth in the pond or the brook at the bottom of the garden. Elva slipped down the bank into the pond a few weeks ago and I was getting ready to grab her when she swam off like a fish, a natural!
They are so different aren't they, Jed wants to chase all the rabbits he can see and Elva is fixated with birds, swallows, wag tails crows she'll chase the lot!
Dee Dee is a bit better today, and putting a bit more weight on her paw, the vet has put her on Metacalm and we have to go back on Wednesday if she is not sound by then.
She is not very happy about lead walks only, and trying to stop her and Narla charging around and playing is a nightmare !!! All you can hear is Stop !! Wait ! Stay !!! As I desperately try to keep her calm.
Sorry to hear that Elsa is now not well Karen, any news on her yet ? They don't half know how to worry us these dogs. Hope she is also on the mend soon.
Time to make the hay!
Another stunning day here today, actually proving to be too hot outside for the dogs so they are in the kitchen cooling down on the tiles with a little icecream as a treat :) bit naughty but they do love it. Great pictures Ali, I especially love the one with logi and Bree, just lovely! Tetra is a monkey steeling the tripe sticks, bet she was proud as punch though!
Sunday, 20 June 2010
Border Union
There is a misprint of the results on Fosse Data, showing Dee Dee in third place in puppy !!!
We weren't at the show today as Dee sustained a bad sprain injury on Friday !!!! So we stayed at home and had lots of cuddles.
How is Maggie now Karen is she over her injury ??? Honestly these dogs, 90 miles an hour and don't know when to stop !!!
Judith you seemed to have a very exciting time at the concert and what a stroke of luck to be in the right place at the right time.
All the recent photos have been lovely, and the Blitzan Mud Bathers seemed to be enjoying them selves.
Dee Dee sends best wishes on Fathers Day to daddy Logi, hope all the other dads have had lots of nice presents and been spoilt today.
Friday, 18 June 2010
Eye candy
Food & Hot eye candy
Mud, Sun and Fun!
Tetra found a pack of Tripe on her way out the door, she didn't let go of it for the whole of the walk, in fact she took it into the water trough with her and bought home a pack stinking and full of water and soggy Tripe!! Yummy!!!
Mum and son cooling off.