I know this blog is part of my web site so you probably know who I am but just in case, I am Ali and I am owned by the Blitzan Munsterlanders. We live in the South of England in a farm in the middle of no-where. My husband Andrew is very much the 'kennel boy', (just ask him!!!) and our son James who shows and joins in all things doggy! As I said we breed the Blitzan Munsters, and share our home with Tarka, Leah, Logi, Zeta, Maddie, Fancy, Diva, Summer, Stella and Prima, yes all Munsterlanders, we work our dogs, show them, breed them and play at agility, above all we love them all to bits, they live in as members of the family, the dogs are more than a hobby to us they are a way of life.I am currently taking a degree course in Complimentary medicine for animals as well as having taken courses in dog behavior, obedience and agility instructor and vet nursing, (thoses courses were a few years ago now!) anything with animals really!