Monday, 19 May 2008

Hudson Piccies At Last!

Hudson by the Pond

Congratulations Karen and Elspeth! Oh and to Charlotte too ! Dancing is a great confindence booster! I have danced ever since i was small and Charlie started Tap and modern dance lessons last year. He has become much more confident since starting.

I have finally maned to get some photos of Hudson. His rash has all gone now, good to hear that Ringo is ok too. We need to work on down for Hudson, need to work on something to stop him jumping up at Charlie when he is on the sofa and also to stop him climbing up Connie! We are having a lot less accidents inside now which is great news and yes he is also eating for England!!

Charlie took this one, probably just before Hudson was about to eat his truck!

This was taken this morning he likes to sit under the computer desk when i am working