Monday, 7 July 2008


Elpseth each girlie is different but generally it's about day 10 to 13 with my lot, so after day of mating, which I hope you will still be able to come to so you can meet Alex, anyway 9 weeks after she will be due. I have to say Summer was due in a month ago so maybe they are going to come in together, one a little late and one a little early, that can happen, just hope Diva doesn't come in early. Talking of Diva she is driving me MAD!!!!!! Sunday morning trying to lie in and recover and she woke me up at 6:30 grizzling at the door, decided she may have an upset tummy so got up , she dashed down stairs and vanished, I found her behind the sofa feeding Trifle!!!!! Grrrrrrrr, I marched her back upstairs and ignored her, later on the cat was sat on my bedroom chair and she made a real song and dance, in the end she jumped up and pulled her off the chair by her collar and then chucked her at her boobies. This is getting ridiculous, she is so mopey too, keeps hiding under the bed and if not she is looking for the cat to nurse. I will dry her up if it's the last thing I do!!! You do all know what your getting with a Diva puppy don't you!