Monday, 7 July 2008


Sorry I have been so out of it, James came home with a stinking cold and the trouble with me I am on so many immune suppressants that any whiff of a bug or virus and there I go down with it, not sure if it's the Arthritis or Lupus but all I do know is I have been in bed and out of it until about two hours ago. Karen I am so sorry I didn't make it over or phone you, I didn't go to the show either, it was a bit self inflicted as Friday night, (Karen will know this) we had a big storm, very high winds and torrential rain, well James was fast asleep as was Andrew when I woke up suddenly at 3am, I don't know why but I suddenly worried about Jamie's animals, I was worried lids had blown off, so went down stairs and looked out the window and couldn't see so slipped on flip flops and dashed out only to find his rabbit hutch which contains the 5 babies on it's back lid gone and babies spilled out on the wet ground in the rain, Mum no where to be seen, it took me an hour and 10 mins to rescue them all and find Mum and get them all safe, warm and dry, finally got back into bed at 4:30, rather cold and wet, so maybe I bought the bug on myself, still couldn't bear to think how James would of felt on his first day back to find his babies and Mum gone or dead. Anyway had to phone Judith and pull out of the show, poor Logi had even been bathed for it, then spent the day dozing in bed watching the horrendous weather it really was bad, I did think of you Karen and thought you may be in the Village hall so not much point in disturbing you and ringing.

Happy birthday Joseph, Karen you don't look old enough to have an 18 year old son. Talking of sons, the 14 1/2 year old was not James's first girlfriend but his 3rd! the first was his own age and lasted 6 months at 9 years old, the second was a girl who was very silly and in the end he dumped her for talking through a film he went to see with her and his best mate and me as a chaperon! I have now asked him to forget about girls for a while!!!!!!!! He makes me feel so old.

Some lovely photo's again and videos, Ilka really is a baby, happy birthday to Sid, bless him.
Now have 37 e mails to reply to, so bear with me please, by the way Zeta has now healed perfectly, think she will end up with one small bald patch but that's not too bad considering her original injuries. Will be back on and check I haven't missed anything later on but have to go to hospital tomorrow so will need you all to keep things going for me - thanks for doing so whilst I laid in bed feeling sorry for myself!
Oh yes no seasons so far but Prima is getting much soppier and Logi had a good check of her this morning so will keep you posted.

VICTORIA - I know you read the blog sorry to let you down yesterday but this weekend is good if it fits in with you, I will e mail you in a bit.