A dog friendly blog run by the Blitzan family along side the Blitzan web site, ANYONE WISHING TO JOIN IN THE CHAT AND PHOTO SHOWS PLEASE E MAIL ME AT info@mudlarks farm.co.uk ALL WELCOME. You don't have to be owned by a Blitzan to join in, just a Munster lover & a Blitzan relation! We also aim to help and give advice to anyone who gets stuck or has any Munster related problem. www.blitzanmunsterlanders.co.uk
Sunday, 6 July 2008
We had such a lovely long walk today. It rained and was dark and miserable weather but Ceilidh was on top form! It was so difficult getting good photos because she wouldn't keep still or keep her nose off the ground long enough! Videos to follow if I can get them to upload properly!