The SPT got up at half 4 (don't know how you all keep getting up at those sort of times for shows ect) got there (Bainton, Oxford) for 9.
There were mostly GSPs, a couple of Vizslas, a couple of Weims and two GLPs and Ilka was the only LM.
On the first run she was quartering well and looking happy and keen but turned the wrong way a couple of times which was our fault (Dad has not trained a HPR for years and even he said he'd lost touch a bit and the rules have become less strict which don't necessarily think is a good thing but we did get some very useful advice) but after most of the ten mins you get she started to lose interest as shes used to allot more scent and the ground was dry and also being a Diva daughter what did she do? go and say hello to the judges which is not the greatest thing to do but they said they liked her so maybe it worked and we got to have a second run.
But the weather was hot and by the time they gave us a second run (they let the adults who had a second run go first because the field we went to next had paridge in) in the mean time Ilka was getting hot and a bit stressed (so was I) so lost the plot on the second run and kept trying to go back to Dad so he came over to try and help and she put up a hare and did not chase it which I was pleased with but I think if she had found game and pointed it on the first run she might have been graded.
After that we went to see Sue Harris who helped Dad train his GSP.
So was not a bad day and learnt quite a bit.
Will catch up later I'm off for a hack as Charlies on Easter hols.