Having been speaking to several owners recently I am loving hearing about the character traits that have been passed down the lines. No I don't mean looks, conformation and things breeders have to consider when breeding, I mean the things that make up thier characters.
Diva is well known for talking, she is a chatty girl and loves to tell you all about her day and her naughty sweeties, (doesn't she Elspeth!!!) Another of her traits is a noisy yawn, she never yawns silently to her it is the perfect time to be as noisy as possible, she doesn't bark it is all 'talking', well so far all her most of the people I have spoken to with her Eternal babies have all mentioned the noisy yawning the puppies do, Tetra and Darcy are no exception.
Solo's kids were all leaners and sitters, Solo always leaned against my legs whilst I did the washing up and he and Tarka would often sit thier bottoms on the sofa with front legs on the floor, whilst they had a fuss or watched TV. I would love to know what your Blitzans do, or Blitzan relations!!! Then I can see who has taken after who, Tarka still sits on the sofa, bum only!!
So please come on and fill me in, photo's too if you have any, thanks.