Traits where do I start, as Oscar has lots of them, cant believe what a charater this breed has, Oscar is very talkative its not a bark its like a grumble and he only does this with me and its normally when he wants something or just wants a cuddle, he just stands in front of me and talks away for England (if only I could understand what he is saying), his other traits are when you are sitting in the chair he comes up and raps his front legs around your neck and gives you cuddles and big sloppy kisses and he will stay there until you ask him to get down, another thing he does every morning when Holly comes down stairs is sit on her knee, if anyone is lying on the floor he has to lay in between their legs with his legs up in the air, when he is asleep on the floor he uses his paws to cover his eyes that is a funny one will try get a picture of that, he also likes watching television especially if they is anything moving fast on the screen, he also like to sit at the front window for hours just watching the birds fly passed. Must admit never had a dog like him before, he just wants cuddling all the time, did not realise boys were so affectionate.
Ali you must be very proud of the off spring Logi has produced over the years, without him they would be no Oscar so I am grateful for that. If only I could convince Simon into getting another, one day I will hopefully!!!!! don't worry about Holly's name Ali, she thought it was quite funny. Will try get some pictures up later of Oscar's traits.