Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Mazy's traits

include very noisy yawning, especially first thing in the morning, don't need an alarm clock anymore.

She talks when anyone comes in the house, usually with something in her mouth, so it's all a bit muffled. As Ali knows, any treats are eaten as fast as she can, no time for playing with them.

If I'm busy doing something in the kitchen, she'll sometimes come up behind me really quietly and nudge me with her nose. Not sure what that's all about.

None of this bottom on settee business though, she's right up there stretched out to take up as much settee space as possible. If one of us gets up, she's straight there to take our place, Domino often does that too.

In the mornings she always lies behind me in the kitchen in the purpose built hole for the dogs while I make the children's lunches and she doesn't move until I've finished.