Hi Everyone
Izzy is finding her feet, Jensen has found a new play mate and Willow is coming around slowly.
She went to the pub last night and was a big hit with everyone, in the end chilled out on the table on her towel, have done this with all my munsters, as when we go out they come with us.
This pub is run & owned by my friend Jenny who until a few weeks ago had 2 munsters, but she lost Bracken, who was about 13 years old. She still has Ping. So if anyone (after Christmas) knows of a boy munster, it will have to be a boy as Ping is not keen on girls, who needs a new home, let me know and I can run it by Jenny. Ali you may know.
Sorry to hear that you have the flu Judith, hope you are better soon.
Lovely pics of all puppies.
Ali do you think she looks like her Dad? Sharon does.
Sandra thanks for my little girl-Jensen bless has done a great job today by playing with her and wearing her out-best day yet!