Tessa here is a picture taken yesterday evening of Tetra, no word of a lie, she came in with a leaflet in her mouth, she climbed up on the sofa, lay down and then put the leaflet between her front legs, right way up and then sat there looking at it as if she were actually reading it, very bizarre but so true!!!!! I know it looks posed and set up but honestly it is exactly as she put herself and the leaflet!!!!! James and I couldn't believe our eyes. She is such a huge character Tessa, so submissive but also very clever and bright as a spark!!!! We absolutely adore the pair of them, (Darcy and Tetra) but they are are quite different same family traits but different to live with. Both far too clever at times and both very laid back and cuddly.

Well done Holly and Oscar, what a clever pair and looking so good stood there. Well done Holly it is lovely to see another Child handler out and doing well. Did Daddy get Best of Breed Mandy?
The picture of her stood was a month, I'm afraid she never stands still for a pose unlike her teddy bear brother. Will get a stood picture tomorrow.
I forgot to say when I went back to the breed booth to see Maggie, Misty and Magic Logie was with me, and he was sat in the walkway, I was talking to Maggie and suddenly heard all these ooohs and ahhs and when we looked around Logi was in the middle of about 15 people (all strangers) upside down legs akimbo, tail wagging whilst all these people tried to reach in and stroke him, he was so happy and relaxed, not sure how many dogs would expose the crown jewels amongst so many strangers, walking about and then all bending right over him, let alone the strange dogs milling about too. He really is a big old softy, and loved so dearly. He has to go into the vets for an operation as he has a cyst which is rather sore and in an awkward spot, hate it when they go in.