Saturday, 31 October 2009

Logi and Beecham

HI all, sorry busy weekend catching up on everything. Gorgeous pictures on here too, love them all. As Judith said Beecham is half brother to Strider but he is also Logi's son, so know you would love him, Sandra is a Logi fan, so much so that Jack's registered name is Blitzan A Touch of Logi somewhat approptiate has Logi is Ganddad!!!! After all the delays the KC paper work should be with me Monday, (postal strikes permitting) So as soon as they are recieved I will forward them on to you all.


Hi, I'm Judith who own's Jack's daddy Strider. Sue Woods is on this blog and one of her munsters Beecham is Strider's half brother (same mum different dad)and she knows all of my dogs.
Glad all the babies are doing well in their new homes L & G did an exellent job with the pups.
Hi Everyone - sorry we haven't updated on Jack - life is just getting back on track, didn't realise how our new baby could cause such upheaval in such a lovely way - he was fantastic on the way home - slept a lot as the M25 was a nightmare - introduced to Bella our shepherd and they hit it off right away, we were so proud of her.
He is such a confident little man he managed to take over our lives and Bella's and by day 2 decided her tail was a really good play-thing, she didn't! he learns so quickly and he stopped that game really quickly they play so well, so we can leave her to do the tugging and pulling and we do the soft games.
Had a visit to the vet yesterday for our first jabs where he was totally spoilt - one of the veterinary nurses knows "Sue Wood" I think who has 2 Munsterlanders and so was very keen to know his breeding as she was going to be "cross examined" about his mum and dad. They were very impressed with the puppy pack showing all his lineage and the poem, so thank you Ali for this.
Thank you Grania and Loudon for giving us such a lovely puppy

He tries to do the sofa thing, but not quite big enough yet - but he copies Bella and she doesn't do the sofas - so I'm afraid he wont be allowed to either.
Will keep you posted...
Sandra and Dave

Friday, 30 October 2009

Kat, I'm near Crewkerne, so right on the edge of Dorset/Somerset. We met at the show at Bournemouth. Would love to meet up when Dodger is able to venture out.

Cosmos & Tansy

The last two pups, Cosmos & Tansy, are very happy and do not appear to be missing their siblings. Dreading losing Cosmos. Grania, as you can see on the accompanying video , has them pretty under control. Lula needs a little reminding I think!

Congrats Ali

That's great news about the newsletter - I'd love a copy if possible? Just been filling in our membership form - hopefully it'll get through eventually in the post!

Illy looks beautiful - Dodger can't make it onto our sofa yet, so it's safe for the moment. Don't think it'll be long though. He's worked out how to open our bin in the kitchen which has a push to open top. Will be rethinking it's location or maybe putting some sort of child lock on it to stop him gaining access when I'm not looking.

We tried swapping Dodger to the puppy Nature's Diet mixed in with the Pedigree and he loved it. Over the last few days his eating has balanced out a bit, we're currently on 125g Pedigree and then either tuna or now Nature's Diet. He seems happier and is eating a bit slower, then he waddles away and sleeps sometimes, or bounces around others.

Thanks for the tips for the car travel, he's been out yesterday and today and seems to be getting more used to it. Bought him a car harness and protector for my back seats so we'll see how we get on. He's much happier when he can see me though. More little trips tomorrow and Sunday planned.

Other than the standard vaccinations, does anyone routinely get additional ones? Been thinking about getting Kennel Cough added to his next round - any thoughts?

Karen whereabouts in Dorset are you? Just wondering whether when our little one is allowed out to play whether it'd be possible to meet up perhaps?

Lottie's new home

As promised here's an update on Lottie's progress, so far Lottie has been very good we had no problem's with trip home. She eats the puppy food (pedigree) with a little of the pedigree puppy pouch mixed in with no problems, apart form a few wet accidents she appears to be well on the way to being house trained. It's nice to see that the common theme is a love of the sofa, as Lottie is already able to make herself at home! Also the upstairs of the our home is not safe as she is now able to go both up and down with ease.
Jane and I would like to thank Loudon, Grania and Talulah for our wonderful puppy, also to Ali for her help as well as a very helpful puppy pack.
On a final note we think with hind sight that 'Dora the explorer' or 'digger' may have been a better name as Lottie is discovering every part of her new home.
PS: having problems loading pictures will post later.
Love all these photos. Illy is so sweet.

Congratulations Ali, only just saw about the newsletter. Your newsletters will be a hard act to follow, will miss you doing them that's for sure.

Mazy has had a walk, a swim and been to training class today, so I have one very tired pooch. We had a lovely morning, it's very warm outside.

Thursday, 29 October 2009

Illy update

Illy is such an amazing addition to our ‘family’. We can watch her for hours forgetting about our basic needs such as food. She is so adorable. Today I had to leave her for half an hour during a day and I was worried she would cry all that time (still not used to the closed crate). Luckily I came back to a quiet house and was not surprise to find our sweetheart on the sofa.
Kat, I don’t think Illy is a big eater. Sometimes she leaves food in the bowl and I need to encourage her to eat a little bit more. She loves the tuna though. I also gave her a peace of orange to play with and she loved it. Does anyone else do this?

Thank you

Thank you all so much, as you can imagine I am shocked but proud!!!! Means a lot especially just now. I put my heart and soul in to writing, editing and producing the 56 page book and to know it was appreciated and rated so highly makes it all worth while.
Doubly good timing as from March I will be coming off the LMC committee, I just can't do it all and something had to give, by then we will have moved up to Mudlarks so business will be well on the way, Summer and Darcy will hopefully be parents and I still need an large operation so all in all feel I can't give 100% which would be very unfair. Trying to fit in the newsletter, memberships, Discover dogs, the club shows and meetings it's impossible. Judith has made the same decision due to work commitments and feels like me if you can't give 100% it's not fair on the other committee members. So going out on a high and Christine, The Chair said said they were sad to lose me but totally understood and the door is always open. So who knows maybe again in a few years time if life permits.
I have to say though apparently someone was going around at Midland Counties saying I had fallen out with the committee!!!!!!! never ceases to amaze me, I can assure this person that we are all still friends and life is fine!!!! Surely life is too short to fall out with people?!? I certainly don't have the time or the inclination, or for that matter the energy either!!!
Thanks again for your congratulations more importantly I am so glad you have enjoyed my newsletters, makes it all worth it in the end.
Congratulations on the newsletter Ali - worth the hardwork.

Looks like you had a good day at Warwick Castle. We are about 20 minutes away from Warwick so we try and go there once a year. It is expensive but you can make a real day of it there - lovely to picnic on the slope by the river. We took an American friend there once and you can imagine how impressed he was with all that history. They also do a winter spectacular with a huge ice rink in the middle which is pretty good fun. You can take dogs although they are not allowed in any where. There is another nice castle near Malvern called Eastnor Castle and you can actually take your dogs around all the state rooms with you (if you dare).
Sounds like Darcy enjoyed himself - looking forward to meeting him some day he sounds quite a character.
Lovely pictures everyone.

Hi all

I really enjoyed reading the news letter lots of info in there. Ali you will have to excuse the state of the membership form when I send if off to you, Oscar has a bad habit of opening the mail for us but he tends to shred most of it thankfully the news letter was in one piece unlike the membership form stuck it back together with sellotape!! Looks like you all had a great day at Warwick Castle and to see Logi's babies and give them a cuddle what more could you ask for.

Hope all the new owners are having lots of fun with your pups, make the most of them they do grow up so quick, loving all the pictures, cant wait until I am allowed another one.

Karen the picture of Maggie sticking her tongue out is really funny, I too have had the unfortunate pleasure of fox poo not a nice experience I must say.

Sorry to hear about your parents dog Tessa, its so sad when we loose them.

I never had any problem with Oscar in the car but he did always have Misty to keep him company, my biggest obstacle with Oscar was his eating as he is very fussy and dislikes most dried dog foods, I just got lots of advice from Munster owners and now he is eating really well and gaining weight, he has dried dog food (one I have found he likes) and also different kinds of raw meat and it seems to suit him really well, with me it was trial and error.
Congratulations Ali - well done on your success!!!!!!!

Also - loving all the puppy pictures. I can't believe Ludo was that little when we brought him home 7 months ago! He's now 28kg!!

He didn't like the car either and did suffer with motion sickness for a while but now he's fine. It was just perseverence in the end and lots of short trips like both the Karens.

The smelly twosome

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Don't you stick your tongue out at me
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Ali, I've been to Warwick Castle a few times when the kids were young - it is good - they have a great falconry display if I remember rightly. Also I think you used to be able to bring dogs cos we took Tilly can you still?. Sounds like you James and Judith had a good time. The Chicken house sounds great too.

Aly, lovely photos of Merlin - he is very like his brothers. You must be getting excited about the new addition coming. Are you having another boy or a girl?

Maggie rolled in fox poo this morning - YUK! Its the second time this week. On Tuesday they both rolled in it. Maggie had it so caked around her collar this morning that I could smell it during the whole walk. Ketchup is the only thing that takes away the smell but it makes Maggie's coat go pink)lol

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Bit of a long catch up!!!

One of Narla and Logi's beautiful babies Judith could of easily stolen this particualr girlie!!

Warwick Castle

Classic or what James and Judith!!!!!!!

James saying goodbye to Tallulah's babies
Evening all!!!!
Well one exhausted me here!!!!! Absolutely shattered, Manchester, Sussex, Shopping, Warwick and now a farm sale all day, not up to all this and suffering now! Although all been very much worth it I must say.
Warwick castle was a hoot, we had a really good laugh and were well impressed, the exhibits were lovely and the Trebuchet at the end of the day with the real fire ball was impressive, shame it was so expensive, pay to park £6, pay to get in and then pay extra to do the dungeons, good though wasn't it Judith, great pictures I think sure Judith and James will kill me but hey it was so funny!!!
Thanks Judith a great day had by James and me.
Farm sale was excellent we are now the proud owners of a 200 bird Chicken house, absolute bargain and coming back on a low loader tomorrow.
Also a huge amount of timber for chicken arks and agility jumps!!! So all in all worth it, Darcy came and boy was he admired, one old boy offered me £2 for him!!!!!! But he went on to say seriously he was one good looking hound, Darcy behaved impeccably jumped up and two people, one guy said you should get yourself a big dog Mrs, with that Darcy jumped up at him and towered over him, the whole crowd laughed as it was as if Darcy was saying who is small now!!! He is such a social boy, and coped with all the noise and activity without batting an eye, he loved the piglets in the next door field and actually so did Andrew so James and I are going back tomorrow to try and get Andrew one, they are Hampshire pigs and black and white (Of Course) so think they are going to be added to out menagerie!!

Glad puppies are settling in well, please can I ask one thing, take time to read my book, it will help and make sense, as for feeding Kat, I am glad he is more settled, but by next week he will need even more food, his appetite will grow almost daily, Please all of you forget what the bags of food recommend as quantities after all each puppy will be different and eat and need varying amounts, after all as humans we don't all need the same diet do we, feed to appetite, the ideal amount is where puppy eats it all but leaves about a tablespoonful, he will then waddle away full, content and sleepy. Although I haven't been on here I have been speaking via email and phone, so keep up the good work, enjoy them whilst they are small!!!! Start as you mean to go on and remember they are babies and don't expect too much from them yet.

Welcome new members, Ally Merlin is looking gorgeous, he is brother to Ringo and Brodie too who are on her as well. Hope your eye is better Rosie.


He is gorgeous and has such a cheeky face. I shall have to post some recent photo's of his Royal highness, he is such a poser when you get the camera out. Ringo also loves water, we have a wet room for our disabled son and some times I turn round and find Ringo also enjoying a shower with Ryan :) I am a hairdresser and he is always poking his nose when I am washing hair he loves the water splashing his face. Troy is lovely as well he is also charming. Brodie is also on her as well he is winning trials, and Hudson also, but we haven't seen any photo's of him recently. You are so lucky to be having another, I would love a little girl but need more room.

Pics of Merlin

First attempt to attach pictures - particularly for Norman & Pauline who have his brother Troy, and for Rosie with Ringo. These are rare pictures of Merlin as he is clean & dry! The head shot is my favourite pic of him at the moment. Also Rosie - Merlin always seems to find mud, but dosen't roll over & over in it - well not so much over these last 3 months or so. He has always loved water. He prefers drinking water out of a tap or from the hose & just loves water on his face. When rain collects in the dips in fields he charges up & down them head first & also 'snuffles' in all the cattle troughs. Of course he has a liking for duck weed - well he is always covered in it!.

I have seen pictures of Troy & I think they are almost identical, but i can't remember seeing pictures of Ringo, but I'll look out for him.

Lovely pictures Kat - like the name Dodger - it seems to suit him. I'm sure his appetite will pick up again. I never left Elsa's food down - if she walked away, I'd try calling her back and encouraging her to eat more - if not that was that. It was too difficult to leave it down with Maggie around waiting to jump in)lol

Food I mix in that they love is lamb mince as well as beef mince, corned beef (Elsa's favourite) mackerel, tuna, sardines - also I buy the cartons of nature's diet in different flavours which they love too. Oh and Elsa used to like fish fingers too.


Here's some pics of Dodger in his first week home and settling in...

This is in the garden in his play pen

After having a bath having got himself a mucky puppy!

Chewing his new toy from Neil's mum
In the lounge looking as though butter wouldn't melt!

And asleep having worn himself out - something we see a lot bless him.

Thank you for all your advice on the car travel - we shall make a start gradually on it tomorrow and keep you posted.

Bless him, having found how much food I needed to try and satisfy his huge appetite, since visiting the vet last night for his injection, he's eating, but nowhere near as much as before. I'm assuming over the next day or so his appetite will return in full and be eating me out of house and home once more.
He also seems to prefer tuna to beef mince at the moment. Any suggestions as to other things we can mix in that they love as alternatives? The mince we have been giving him is 100% beef, but we do have the Sainsburys Pork & Beef which we've not tried yet. I don't want to upset his tummy, but want him to eat enough as well.
As for food that he doesn't finish - do we leave for a certain amount of time?
Apologies as it's lots of questions from me at the moment - definitely feel like I have 'L' plates on and trying to get things as right as I can.
Distraction technique and being firm on not chewing anything other than his toys seems to be working well too - including some very cute moments as he carries his favourite toys around with him from his bed in the kitchen into the lounge.

car travel

Maggie was a nervous wreck in the car when she was a puppy. It took a lot of patience getting her right and started with just sitting in the car giving her treats without the engine on. We progressed slowly but now she will sit in her cage in the back and travel anywhere. She hops in without fuss and I think she likes it now.

Elsa was much better but initially only travelled well in the back when Maggie was with her. Like Karen I took her on her own to a lot of fun places so she linked being in the car with going somewhere nice. She travels well now too.

Start as you mean to go on though. Do small journeys that end with some fun time. Talk to him a lot when he is being quiet say good boy but ignore the crying. If you intend to put them in the back in a cage then give them lots of fluffy toys and maybe a bed while they are small. Sometimes it's the large open space that frightens them.

Welcome to the new owners. Lovely to see Tallulah's puppies settling in well.
Kat, hopefully I can give you some tips for the car with your puppy. I tried putting Mazy in a crate in the boot of the car to begin with and she cried loads and was sick. I think she didn't like not being able to see me or out of the car (I had a hatchback then). So she now sits on the back seat of the car attached with a lead that clips into the seat belt fastener and onto her collar, so she can't go very far. I did use a car harness when she was tiny and Domino still uses one. She loves the car now and is such a good girl. We drove 6 hours last Sunday to Stafford and back and was no trouble. When she was tiny, I also took her everywhere with me, on the school run, to the shops, anywhere that I went in the car, she soon got used to it. Sometimes one of the children will sit with her and she goes to sleep on their lap, they love that.

Ali, have fun at the farm auction today. I've never been to Warwick Castle, would younger children like it? I know my Mum goes there a couple of times a year on caravan rallies.
Flying visit but wanted to just say Hi and I will be back on later today to answer your questions, we have had a rather busy last week, up to Manchester, over to East Sussex, yesterday Judith and I took James to Warwick castle and had a ball, and today Andrew and I are off to a Farm Auction to get some essentials for Mudlarks, I hope to be back mid afternoon so will reply to you all properly then, sorry just having one of those weeks!!! (Rather exhausted now too so probably wouldn't make a lot of sense now!!)

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

First injections, food and the car...

We've had our first trip tonight to the vet with Dodger for his first injection and check up. All went well and he was very chilled with the vet and about the injection - didn't even blink! In fact just lied on the table sniffing around a bit.

He's very sleepy now and has lost his appetite a bit, but am sure he'll bounce back in no time.

He was weighed at the vets - coming in at 7.5kg! Dodger is a little podger!

Quick few question for other new puppy owners - how much is your little one eating? Dodger finally became full earlier with 175g of Pedigree and 100g mince! Ate nearly all of it too! I had been feeding him a lot less - not realising and this led to him being a bit of a handful. Thank you Ali for your much needed help and advice this morning, it has made a big difference so far to his boistrous behaviour.

Also, what foods are people possibly planning to move onto from Pedigree?

We have also been much firmer about the biting and that's calming down now too. He's got lots of toys so we are using the distraction method - and so far it seems to be working. That and being told 'no' lots.

On another note - any tips about how to get used to being in the car? In the front with someone in the passenger seat he's fine - although doesn't like the footwell keeps getting up on the lap of the passenger. Happy in the back, as long as he's on someone's lap - does not like the boot, starts howling and shaking. So... how can I get him more used to the car?

On the way home when we picked him up on Saturday he settled down in the front quite quickly and then slept, so today was outing number 2 and things were not so smooth. Any tips welcomed - open to trying anything.

Look forward to some more pics and posts soon - I'll pop up some pics of Dodger once I can find where I hid the cable for the computer - I moved it out of chewing distance, so I know it's somewhere safe.

Bye Bye Foxglove

And then there were two. Maggie and John collected Foxglove now to be called Strider at 2.30pm today. Once again we are blessed with fabulous weather so that they were delighted to see him frolicking around the garden with Cosmos, Tansy and Tallulah. The new Strider is off to live in Canterbury - so not too far away and I hope will bring him occassionally to visit his sister. I have just heard that he had a comfortable journey and slept virtually all the way and is now making friends with their cat.


Hi Vinny and Amanda and welcome to the Blitzan Blog and also to all the other new members and puppy owners as well. As I have a litter of 4 week puppies myself at the moment I don't always have the time to post, but I try and pop in for a good read and look at the lovely pictures on here.
This is a really good tool to have in your armoury, if you puppy is doing something you don't want it to do, like pulling trousers, then distract it's attention onto something else.
A toy, a gravy bone, a ball all make useful distractions, have them dotted about within easy reach, and carry things in your pockets, so you always have something to hand, this way you can distract the puppy from negative behaviour and turn it into positive behaviour.

With hand chewing, let out a loud yell, so the puppy is aware that that hurt, that is what it's brothers and sisters would do, if it is really bad, and happens when you are playing with the puppy, stop the game, puppies have to learn that they play on your terms and with your rules, it may be necessary to sometimes have a time out and ignore the puppy for a few minutes, and then if necessary repeat, the above.
Puppies soon learn that if they play gently the game will last longer and if they overstep the mark the game stops.
With all the stuff in your pockets you will look like a window cleaner for a few weeks, put with a bit of patience and perseverance, they will soon learn, they are very clever this breed, and will have you trained to their liking in no time !!

A few pics of Murphy. He is still being really good, and he has grown in confidence resulting in him being a bit cheeky sometimes. He can move amazingly fast when we open the kitchen door and is desperate to explore the rest of the house. He also goes to the back door now if he wants to go out, so we don't tend to have any accidents during the day. He also bites our clothes and unfortunately loves hanging onto the ends of trousers (so wearing old clothes) - we have tried growling, but this has little impact so would appreciate any tips.

Monday, 26 October 2009

Tallulah's Litter

Here's a test - can you spot your puppy?
I found this old video when we first got Tallulah as a puppy. Quite fun comparing her to her offspring
Thank you all for your kind comments. We are delighted that you are all enjoying Tallulah's offspring. It does feel a bit strange with only three puppies here. Another goes tomorrow and then when Cosmos goes to America on 17th November it will just be little Tansy left. Tallulah seems totally unaffected and we suspect is rather glad to have our almost undivided attention again. It will be nice to see the floor tiles again and not be scrunching around on layers of newspaper! It has though all been a wonderful experience and well worth the effort. Haymakers has turned out to be an ideal place to have the puppies and who knows, in a couple of years we may well be seeing whether we'll do it all again with Tansy. Meanwhile we sit here thinking about all the puppies settling into their new homes and providing such happiness to their new owners.
Grania and I would like to say a special thank you to Ali and James who helped us through with their great experience. We made a great team didn't we.
Welcome to all the new puppy owners on here, sorry I can't keep up. Make the most of them while they are tiny, they grow up so fast. They all look gorgeous puppies, Loudon and Grania have done a great job. Mazy is bigger than Domino now and only 9 months old and has turned into a terrible teenager at times, but still very soppy and cuddly too.

Tessa, sorry to hear about Poppy, I bet you and your family have some lovely memories of her. She did very well to live for 16 years.

Kat, I had forgotten that Mazy would bite us and the children's clothes when she first came home. It can't have gone on for too long. We're still battling with her jumping up at people though, she's not too bad with us, but often other people will say 'oh it's OK, she's only a puppy', but now she's the size of an adult, it's not funny anymore.

Just a little photo of Poppy (the little one on the right) with Murphy (in the middle) and Jack who we lost last year. Memories!!!!
Welcome to the blog Pauline and Norman and Agi and Pete. Lovely picture of your little brown girl Agi she is gourgeous. Glad to hear things are going so well with Dodger (great name by the way). They all seem to be very well socialised etc. I hope I can do as well first time around when we have our first pups - will have to call for some tips Grania and Loudon and Ali and Sandra (to name but a few). We were hoping to breed from Evie but due to a few health issues it is not to be which is why she has now been spade. I am hoping to have another late next year which will hopefully be my foundation bitch so we will have to wait and see. I am sure though that Evie is trying to put a stop to that by being a little bit naughtyand getting into Tonys bad books. I am trying to convince Tony that we do need a third,fourth and fifth dog etc but I think Evie has other ideas. She has spent so much time at the vets that they have joked about giving me my own parking space and in the last fortnight she has chewed the thermostat remote (£115 to replace) and Tony's glasses (£200 to replace). I of course hold Tony responsible for both of them as he should have moved them out of her way but he doesn't quite see it like that!!!
As naughty as she can be we all love her to pieces.
It has been a sad day for our family today as we have lost the matriarch of our family dogs aged 16. Poppy my Mum and Dads eldest dog was put to sleep this morning at home. She was the most wonderful dog who never had a days illness until the end and who never put a paw wrong. We all loved her dearly -16 years is such a huge part of our family life. She saw the arrival of all the grandchildren and all the pestering pups. She was a true mother to all and she will leave a huge hole in all of our lives. If only they all lived to such a wonderful age. RIP our dear Poppy.
Enjoy all those lovely pups even all the naughty things they do because time is precious.

Welcome all

Hi everyone - especially those of you new to the blog. Some fabulous videos and pics since I last looked.

What a few days it has been - we went on Saturday and picked up Dodger (Dionysis) late in the afternoon and bought him home to Bournemouth. He's like a teddy bear and all cuddly. He slept nearly all the way home in the car, straight out into his play pen in the garden and has been a very good puppy.

Both nights he's only woken up once each night, then only for toilet, then straight back to sleep until the morning. He truly is a chunky monkey and going to eat us out of house and home, so far whatever we put down goes - followed then by some very cute hiccups.

Loudon and Grania we cannot thank you enough for how well they've been brought up - he is the best puppy we could have dreamed of.

So far we've had only a couple of little accidents. Thankfully he's taken to going out to toilet really quickly, he heads straight to the kitchen and to the back door, sniffing it and looking at us - then straight out, no issues.

Small challenge with him liking to bite the inside of my elbow and my jumpers - but that's all part of the teething and thank you Ali for your advice - will keep you posted on the progress and maybe in need of some more if it doesn't stop him.

We've taken some photos and will post them later - he does seem to like having his photo taken.

First vet appointment booked for tomorrow with vaccination - so fingers crossed all will go well.

Looking forward to seeing the other puppies grow and how Dodger's brothers and sisters get on.

Better go, he's just waking up - so off to the garden we go

Hello Everyone

First of all I would like to introduce ourselves. We are Agi and Pete from Berkshire and we are proud owners of gorgeous brown Illy. Big thank you to Loudon, Grania and Ali for making it all happen for us. Pete and I have been talking about getting a dog for over a year now and I am 100% sure we couldn’t pick better. She has settled in nicely with no major problems except little cries at night, which I believe not going to last very long. She has been busy exploring her new territory and loves playing in the garden. I can’t believe how lucky we are with the weather this autumn. Illy has already met a few of our friends and family and today we are all off to the vets. I hope Illy’s brothers and sisters are all doing well.
More news soon

Sunday, 25 October 2009

hi Aly welcome to the blog we are Norman and Pauline Gill and live in Barnsley South Yorkshire,we have Merlins brother Troy. I bet you cant wait for your new puppy dont they grow up too fast. Hope Ali Rosie and Diva are all on the mend now.
Hi Aly, and welcome to the blog, it will be lovely keeping in touch with all the new owners via the blog.
Ali and Judith came this week, and it was lovely to see them and get their opinions on the puppies.
Thanks Ali and Judith for making the long trip up here, it was much appreciated.

We have had some puppy visits this weekend so it has been quite busy, Janet and Kathy came on Saturday,and Sunday morning, and Neil, Steph and Max came today.
I haven't chosen my puppy yet, and so I am afraid, I am holding everyone up till a decision is made.
The puppies are 4 weeks old today, all very healthy, big chunky monkeys, and I love different things about each and everyone of them.
I have waited an extremely long while for a litter, as Narla did not conceive last year, so I am just taking a bit of time and advice, and not hurrying at the moment, they change so much every day, and now the speckles and ticking is coming through it gives them quite a different look.

Lovely to see all Tallulah's babies off to their new homes, with the excited owners, and I can't wait to hear all about their adventures and lots of pictures please.
Lovely pictures and Videos of Elsa and Maggie Karen, they certainly know how to enjoy themselves your girls.
And Oscar looks a lovely boy, and what a super shiny coat he has, what a good looking breed Large Munsterlanders are, looks and cuddles, and lots of fun we are all so lucky, it makes up for the mud and the drool.
Narla is an exceptional mum, she is still cleaning and feeding her puppies despite the fact they now have a full set of teeth, but she just loves them all so much, sometimes she just goes to sleep near to them, so that she can keep within ear shot, they only have to squeak and she is there.


Welcome Aly you must be excited about the new puppy. Would love to see a picture of Merlin as we have his Litter brother Ringo. Ringo is a mud monster as well, does Merlin roll in it over and over ?

Ali hope stitch removal went well, and Diva wasn't to unhappy about it. Are you better now as well , I have to back to see eye surgeon tomorrow hopefully all is ok .

If I had a litter of puppies I would not want any to go I think I would spend the leaving days in tears. The little Brown girls are gorgeous, I loved Lottie.

New Blogger!


Another new member to this site - please forgive mistakes etc as I am completely new to this, so I will be brief. I am the very lucky owner of my lovely Merlin (one of Judith's 'children' from Keisha & Jiggy!) and very excited as we shall be getting our next Munster, who is from Narla & Logi's litter. We live amongst the Bridgwater Bay Nature Reserve in Somerset which is just heaven for Munsters as there are reed beds (and mud) the sea and beach (and mud) lots of rhines and common land (and more mud!) so they can just be themselves! I have met a few of you at dog shows so it is nice to follow news and progress - especially with the new puppies. I have not yet worked out how to attach pictures but will post them when I have.

Puppies galore.

Well I have had a busy week or two, yesterday I managed to get down to say goodbye to Tallulah and Striders gorgeous babies, and as much as I said I loved Ilex I fell in love with all of them it was a very good job they are all spoken for or I would of been bringing one home!!! Dionysis is so cuddly and absolutely gorgeous, James didn't want to put him down!!!! Then dear Foxglove and Elaeis I wouldn't know which one to of chosen though all very similar and scrumptious springs to mind. Loudon there is nothing runtish about Miss Tansy she is a girl with attitude and definitely a pretty feminine girl, she does remind me of Leah in her attitude, so pretty. I can't enthasise just what a fantastic job Grania and Loudon have done with the whole litter, so well socialised, fat and chunky, very contented and spoilt!!! They would of looked no different if I had done the job myself and for a first time litter they should be applauded for getting it all so right. Lula's has been a wonderful Mum too. Sorry a couple of the puppy packs were incorrect I worked off a wrong list didn't realise they had been altered, but I think the majority were right.
Sorry I didn't get there in time to see you Sandra or stay to see you Kat, I was on a time frame as Diva still has stitches so didn't want to leave her alone and Andrew needed to get back to work, the traffic on the way was awful it added an hour to our trip, on the way back was fine though.
I have also been and seen Narla and Logi's gorgeous babies too, thanks to Judith for driving me all the way there and back, Sandra thankyou for your wonderful hospitality, we both had a lovely time and I think you will find it a very hard choice as they are all so nice. Again wish I had room!!!!! Must be good as I am mating Summer in January.........
Gorgeous pictures and videos everyone, Karen we do have problems with burrs too, they are a nightmare, all I do is comb them out as soon as I get home or they become much worse to get out.
Right off to take out Diva's stitches so she can have a run this afternoon, she has done very well and is fine now, she refused to speak to me for three days, I expect she will ignore me again when I take the stitches out, we shall see!!!!!

Elsa and Maggie

Hope these come out. Top one of them on our walk this morning. Because I had stopped Maggie came back to see what I was doing and didn't move forward until I started walking again. What a good girl.

By the way Tess I never responded to your earlier enquiries but I can confirm that we are keeping Tansy. She was the last to arrive and tiny by comparison to her 9 siblings. I foolishly mentioned to Ali that we were going to keep the "runt" and was very severely reprimanded!! She may be small but she is perfectly formed and the feistyest of them all. We love her to bits. Of the three remaining pups - Foxglove will be collected on Monday and Cosmos (secretly my favourite) is off to America on 17th November. That is going to be the hardest one to see off as we have quite a bond. However he is going to an absolutely lovely family who have five other dogs and will live in style in Connecticut. Hopefully he may start a whole new strain of Large Munsterlanders over there.

Then there were three! Eleias, now to be called Herby was collected this morning by Angela & David Tomkins and their two lovely daughters. Herby will join their other Large Munsterlander who is ten years old. They also have another dog so he will be well entertained in his new home.


Does anyone else have a problem with this. If you click on the top picture of Elsa to enlarge it you will see her tail and back side are covered with them. When I got home I must have removed at least a dozen from Maggie and Elsa and that happens every walk!


Pics of Elsa enjoying her walk this morning. Maggie did come along too but seem to have only got good ones of Elsa this morning. I have a couple of videos I will put up in a bit. Elsa's is really enjoying the walks at the moment and is finding lots of pheasants. She stays much calmer than Maggie though and doesn't seem to go into that 'zone' that Maggie did. She is a very easy Munster and has been such a joy this year. Hope all those new puppy owners enjoy their pups as much as I have enjoyed Elsa.

Mandy, lovely picture of Oscar!
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Saturday, 24 October 2009

Good luck to all you new puppies owners, make the most of them being puppies as they grow up so quick, you will have lots of enjoyment and fun with them. Cant believe Oscar is 10 months old next month. Loving all the pictures it has taken me ages to catch up!!! Even though Misty is 11yrs old and has a wobbly back end she can still play like a youngster and put Oscar in his place, he knows she is the boss bless her!!

Peter you and Neil need to chat!!!!!
Cornwall!! Isn't that in another time zone? Hope you told him that the last place you take a gundog of quality is onto an actual shoot!


I have to agree with you Karen, Lottie is my favourite too! Good luck to everyone, treasure the next few weeks, they grow up so fast..............
Good luck to all the puppies and thier new owners going off to their new homes. Have to say Hebe aka Lottie is my favourate - she is just beautiful. Hope we get more pics of her and the others growing up.

How are Narla's puppies doing Sandra?


OOps!! re previous messgae - the letter should have been a "D" not "B" of course.

Farewell to Tallulah's puppies(3)

Finally at 3pm Kat and Neil arrrived for Dionysis. They have not decided on a name yet but it will probably begin with a "B" to remind them that he was the fourth pup to be born in this litter. B's new home will be in Bournemouth - lucky chap.

Farewell to Tallulah's puppies(2)

Then Peter and Aggie arrived at 1pm for Acacia, renamed cocoa by Daisy as she was one of the two brown girls. However Peter and Aggie will call her Illy.

Farewell to Tallulah's puppies

Three farewells today - it's been hectic and somewhat emotional. Luckily we were honoured with a visit by Ali and James who were extremely supportive.

First up was Sandra and David who arrived at 11am to collect Borago. He is to be renamed Jack.

Friday, 23 October 2009

Bon jovi

Are going to be on the x factor on sunday 1st Nov, just before i go to Africa.
The puppies look lovely, but sorry Ali i would of got to ilex first!!!!!!
Hi everyone, hope Ali and Diva are now on the mend. Arent the Tallulah puppies fantastic cant believe they are ready for their new mums and dads hasnt time flown. We spent last weekend in the Yorkshire dales Troy was a star as usual. It is amazing how many people say a large what when asked what he is hardly any one has heard of this lovely breed. Love the picture of Lottie cant wait to see her grow up.
Glad to hear Murphy has settled in so well Amanda - lucky you with the sleeping through on the first night!!!
I really really want little brown Lottie she is just so pretty with wonderful markings. I am not sure whether her owners are joining the blog but I would love to see pictures of her as she grows up. I know you said that you could dog nap Murphy Ali well I could do the same with Lottie.
They all look so well Grania and Loudon - lovely and chunky. Well done to you both!!
Murphy has been as good as gold and seems to have settled in really well. He slept most of the way home yesterday and tucked into his dinner no problem. Was waiting for him to cry in the night, but all I heard was one little whimper and he slept from 11 p.m til 6.30 a.m. He is really enjoying the garden - lucky it's such a lovely sunny day. He's such a handsome boy, if only I could get him to sit still long enough to take a picture of him! Will post some pics in the next couple of days - hopefully! Thanks to Loudon and Grania - they really have done a great job with the puppies and yes, Murphy loves our herbs too!

There goes puppy number three! The first of our girls. She went off with the Clarke's in a fabulous brand new carrier cosying up to her new mum. Her new name will be Lottie (nee Hebe).

Thursday, 22 October 2009


Just a quick post, the last one vanished into the ether, again.

I hope that you are recovering well, Ali, and Diva, too.

Welcome to all the new members.

Have fun all you new puppy owners.

The photos on here have been great, as always. It's been lovely to see all the puppies. I cannot believe that the time has flown so fast and that Talleulah and Strider's pups are leaving for their new homes. It will be Christmas next week at this rate :0 What a thought!

Judith, I have just seen the news :):) You must be over the moon - all those Bon Jovi concerts next year - wow. Have a fantastic holiday.

Sue, Beecham & Bosco
Lovely babies and lucky owners. It must be sad to see them go but wonderful to know they are going to good homes - looking forward to seeing Oscar and Murphy grow up. Are you keeping a puppy yourselves Loudon?
Hope everyone enjoys their new additions!
There goes my boy! If Darcy had been older I would of had Ilex he reminded me so much of Logi, Amanda you will have to watch him if we meet up he may be dog napped!!!!!
Neil's Oscar will live the life of Riley in Cornwall, he is going to be a working boy as Neil has his own shoot, Peter you and Neil need to chat!!!!!
Well done Loudon and Grania you have done a super job with your babies, so well handled, real part of your family, I know how much you will miss them, luck owners is all I can say.
Hopefully see you on Saturday.

Murphy (nee Ilex)

Farewell to number two pup - Ilex now to be called Murphy by his new owners Vincent & Amanda McKenna. He took to them immediately and our last sight was of him in the car, nestling comfortably and contentedly at Amanda's feet surrounded by his toy and comfort blanket. Grania was particularly sad to see him go as he had definitely been one of her favourites.

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Tallulah - Galanthus

Well the first of the pups has been collected. Neil Harman has driven all the way from Cornwall to collect Oscar (nee Galanthus). Oscar will be joining his two lurchers and I am sure will receive a great deal of love and attention from Neil's twin three year old daughters! A sad moment for us but lovely to know he is off to such a nice place. We look forward to hearing how he gets on over the coming months.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Lovely pics of Ludo, what a great view!
Just popped in quickly with a couple of pics. The bottom one was on the way home from the beach on Sunday, she was not impressed to be going home!