First attempt to attach pictures - particularly for Norman & Pauline who have his brother Troy, and for Rosie with Ringo. These are rare pictures of Merlin as he is clean & dry! The head shot is my favourite pic of him at the moment. Also Rosie - Merlin always seems to find mud, but dosen't roll over & over in it - well not so much over these last 3 months or so. He has always loved water. He prefers drinking water out of a tap or from the hose & just loves water on his face. When rain collects in the dips in fields he charges up & down them head first & also 'snuffles' in all the cattle troughs. Of course he has a liking for duck weed - well he is always covered in it!.
I have seen pictures of Troy & I think they are almost identical, but i can't remember seeing pictures of Ringo, but I'll look out for him.