Warwick Castle
Classic or what James and Judith!!!!!!!
Evening all!!!!
Well one exhausted me here!!!!! Absolutely shattered, Manchester, Sussex, Shopping, Warwick and now a farm sale all day, not up to all this and suffering now! Although all been very much worth it I must say.
Warwick castle was a hoot, we had a really good laugh and were well impressed, the exhibits were lovely and the Trebuchet at the end of the day with the real fire ball was impressive, shame it was so expensive, pay to park £6, pay to get in and then pay extra to do the dungeons, good though wasn't it Judith, great pictures I think sure Judith and James will kill me but hey it was so funny!!!
Thanks Judith a great day had by James and me.
Farm sale was excellent we are now the proud owners of a 200 bird Chicken house, absolute bargain and coming back on a low loader tomorrow.
Also a huge amount of timber for chicken arks and agility jumps!!! So all in all worth it, Darcy came and boy was he admired, one old boy offered me £2 for him!!!!!! But he went on to say seriously he was one good looking hound, Darcy behaved impeccably jumped up and two people, one guy said you should get yourself a big dog Mrs, with that Darcy jumped up at him and towered over him, the whole crowd laughed as it was as if Darcy was saying who is small now!!! He is such a social boy, and coped with all the noise and activity without batting an eye, he loved the piglets in the next door field and actually so did Andrew so James and I are going back tomorrow to try and get Andrew one, they are Hampshire pigs and black and white (Of Course) so think they are going to be added to out menagerie!!
Glad puppies are settling in well, please can I ask one thing, take time to read my book, it will help and make sense, as for feeding Kat, I am glad he is more settled, but by next week he will need even more food, his appetite will grow almost daily, Please all of you forget what the bags of food recommend as quantities after all each puppy will be different and eat and need varying amounts, after all as humans we don't all need the same diet do we, feed to appetite, the ideal amount is where puppy eats it all but leaves about a tablespoonful, he will then waddle away full, content and sleepy. Although I haven't been on here I have been speaking via email and phone, so keep up the good work, enjoy them whilst they are small!!!! Start as you mean to go on and remember they are babies and don't expect too much from them yet.
Welcome new members, Ally Merlin is looking gorgeous, he is brother to Ringo and Brodie too who are on her as well. Hope your eye is better Rosie.