And asleep having worn himself out - something we see a lot bless him.
Thank you for all your advice on the car travel - we shall make a start gradually on it tomorrow and keep you posted.
Bless him, having found how much food I needed to try and satisfy his huge appetite, since visiting the vet last night for his injection, he's eating, but nowhere near as much as before. I'm assuming over the next day or so his appetite will return in full and be eating me out of house and home once more.
He also seems to prefer tuna to beef mince at the moment. Any suggestions as to other things we can mix in that they love as alternatives? The mince we have been giving him is 100% beef, but we do have the Sainsburys Pork & Beef which we've not tried yet. I don't want to upset his tummy, but want him to eat enough as well.
As for food that he doesn't finish - do we leave for a certain amount of time?
Apologies as it's lots of questions from me at the moment - definitely feel like I have 'L' plates on and trying to get things as right as I can.
Distraction technique and being firm on not chewing anything other than his toys seems to be working well too - including some very cute moments as he carries his favourite toys around with him from his bed in the kitchen into the lounge.