Saturday 25 September 2010

Hi Everyone

Dee Dee and I went to an evening show last week at Heywood and Radcliffe Canine Society.

We only went for experience and to support the show, it was very well attended as it is an all breeds show, it was standing room only, but I thought it would be good for Dee to be in different and crowed surroundings.

Well against all expectations she won AV Gundog puppy, and after all the other groups had been judged we went back in the ring again, and she was awarded Reserve Best Puppy In Show.

The red rosette is a normal size one, just shows what a whopper the RBPIS one is, size of a dinner plate.

There were photos of the presentation taken on the night, but I haven't received them yet, but when received from the secretary I will put one on here.

I did try and get one of Dee Dee and her awards, but as soon as I had the camera set up she either moved or wandered off !!

Sorry not to have posted for so long, but my computer has been playing up, mainly due to the hotmail changes and me trying to correct the problems which has only made matters worse, but it seems to be behaving itself at the moment, although I still can't send pictures via hotmail.

Kat I would just try and stay as relaxed as possible when Dodger grumbles, if you get anxious he will certainly pick up on it, not all rumblings are linked to aggression, and I would certainly try to distract him, but I wouldn't use food treats as otherwise you are rewarding unwanted behaviour.

I would talk things through with Ali as she has a lot of experience, and if you would like my telephone number Ali has it, I have done a number of behavioural courses and may be offer a few things to try, I was also a trainer for a number of years, so know how group dynamics in a class situation can cause problems, but a bit lengthy to explain on here.