Monday 11 June 2012


A little late, but I'm sorry - I just couldn't find the words to describe my feelings over the loss of Diva.  Her passing brought back so many sad feelings from when I lost Cassie to the same awful disease.  I have, of course, been talking to Ali and offering what little comfort and support I can, but it all feels so inadequate.  However, I do think the remembrance book is a lovely idea and I'm sure it will help Ali to come to terms with her loss.
I looked up the word "Diva", and aside from the expected definition "a celebrated female singer", the word is derived from the Italian noun "a female deity", the basic sense of the word is "goddess".  And that's what Diva was, beautiful, proud and of course, in the modern sense of the word, a prima-donna.
I am so grateful to her for producing her gorgeous Eternal litter, from which I was blessed with Bailey.  Her legacy will live on through her babies and through the memories she has given so many people.  Once met, never forgotten, rest in peace Diva xx