Saturday 27 December 2008


Sorry I am late, it has been rather hectic here over christmas. I hope everyone enjoyed theirs and I will say in advance HAPPY NEW YEAR just incase I do not get back on before then. Also, I apologise but there have been so many posts that I will never remember to reply to each of them, but great pictures etc from everyone!!

I am so jealous of you having all that snow Joanne! I adore snow and Ceilidh goes crazy for it. Maybe need to get her up the glens this week to find some. Will need to shift my cold before I do though, it is just awful! I have gotten rid of the sore throat by drinking pineapple juice but if anyone knows how to stop a constantly running nose please let me know!!!! Think tomorrow will be spent recovering in bed!!!

This is a very old picture when Ceilidh was only 5 months old. Will get new ones this week once i am back on my feet again.

Happy Birthday James for tomorrow, you have a card in the post. I missed the post for christmas cards so i can only apologise to everyone for that, I really have been up to my eyes with things to do! Also, thank you for the gift, much appreciated.

Ali, when are the club memberships needing renewed by? I have got to get mine done soon.