A dog friendly blog run by the Blitzan family along side the Blitzan web site, ANYONE WISHING TO JOIN IN THE CHAT AND PHOTO SHOWS PLEASE E MAIL ME AT info@mudlarks farm.co.uk ALL WELCOME. You don't have to be owned by a Blitzan to join in, just a Munster lover & a Blitzan relation! We also aim to help and give advice to anyone who gets stuck or has any Munster related problem. www.blitzanmunsterlanders.co.uk
Sunday, 28 December 2008
Thank you everyone for all my birthday wishes. Having a lovely day, went out yesterday and spent all my birthday and Christmas money on this iPod touch which I am using to write this! Mum bought me a wicked bike which is red, White and silver. Which I assembled with my toolkit from my Christmas present. Once assembled we went and pumped up the tires and I rode it part the way back. Very strong disc brakes and smooth gears, mum and dad also gave me a blue and silver helmet to suit! The dogs gave me a brilliant game called final fantasy2 for ds. As you can see I've been totaly spoilt! Merry christmas for three days ago, forgot to go on for I was to busy opening presents! Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow auntie judy and thank you for singing down the phone, I won't let mum delete it!