Monday 4 February 2008

Here to help if we can........

Hi all
lovely to see the posts on here and great to hear how Ceilidh is travelling around, socialising is so important especially at an early age.
Zydo is obviously being a typical Munsterlander and using his not so little grey cells, which as you say Trish need stimulating. Yes mention it to your trainer that you would like to cover more exercises but failing that I will e mail you a phone number of a lady who has 5 Munster's, (two I bred, her eldest and youngest) and she goes to a few clubs which covers all sorts including agility. Not sure if it's you but she mentioned a friend inviting her for a drink to meet an owner with a brown and white young Munster, surely it has to be one of my babies!? Anyway as for games and training at home how about hide and seek, we hide treats and toys all around the house and garden and then send the dogs hunting, I start off easy and obvious and as they get the hang of it the hiding places get harder. Out on walks you can drop a Dummy and then send him back to 'find it', you can also introduce the whistle to him, teaching him to stop on command and sit is great and the sooner they learn that one the better. Agility can start before 12 months but no jumping or high work until after a year old so you are protecting their joints as much as possible, but weaving, a low A frame and Low dog walk is fine. I will have a word with Sharon and then e mail you some details.
Crying at night, they can suddenly 'try it on', and if he is you should just ignore him, it maybe that something spooked him one night and needs a bit of reassurance, by way of a night light or radio on quietly for background comfort. Since he has started to cry is he still being clean? only if he isn't then he could have a small urinary tract infection and the crying is asking to be let out. If not then just bear with it, he will settle down again.
On another note, Blue went to his first show in Australia and won 6 points towards his Ch title, Tracie his owner is hoping to join us on here so I am sure she will keep us up to date.
Glad the blog is working, share your stories, funny stories and questions, everyone is enjoying it, and no pressure just post when you have time.