Wednesday 6 February 2008

Hi Ali

Thank you for all of the show information. We have a busy year ahead now! I think WELKS will be our first show all going well. We are going to try to make most of the ones on the list to get Ceilidh more experienced and me too!
We had a a bit of a bad night last night at the puppy class. A rottie pup bit ceiliodh on her leg and gave her a real fright (it was a good bit harder than a play bite) she refused to go near him after that. Then each puppy got passed opnto the next owner to socialise etc and he bit Gregor and broke the skin. The woman beside us had the same happen to her. I am calling the people who run the class tonight to let them know about it so they can nip the problem in the butt. Ceilidh was still playing with the golden retriever Cheddar though. She loves him to bits!
I will try phoning you tonight if that is okay?
As for staying with us for shows, what shows are you coming up for? Just so I can put it in the diary and find some cleaner walks for the dogs! Most of our walks are very muddy, their favourite I know. Hope you are all well.
Elspeth xx