Monday 18 February 2008

We're moving again ;-(

Just love the videos and all the photo's posted today. Elspeth that sort of jumping will do her no harm afterall they are Munsters' and need to have fun, and we need them to burn their energy off! She looks so well and very beautiful, I am very proud of them all.

Judith, once we have moved and organised I will get a photo of my lot eating and post!!! Love the pictures, but Jiggy and pink, that was more Sarek's colour!

Well I am ageing by the hour, as we are moving lock, stock and barrel or should that be, cats, dogs and chickens, to somerset, Andrew was suddenly made redundant and then offered a great job, not quite the area I wanted but not being too choosy, the house is gorgeous and the countryside fantastic. So we're off tomorrow which means I will be off the PC for a few days but ring the home number and the new number will be read out, failing that my mobile or secretary, whoops I mean best friend Judith ;-) is always available, see you all on the other side!!!!!!