Monday, 1 December 2008


Great to have you back Ali Gozzi is so handsome I love his coat.
Great video Sarah, love to meet Loki and Kaia one day too, I think Loki will be handsome. Ghillie is very cute
Ilka, fun and a character are definitely some ways to describe her, nutter / lunatic are others, but she wouldn't be the same if she wasn't so funny but she is also very soppy.
Thank you Elspeth will start doing a few little bits of agility with her then. Agility sets seem bit expencive so making one, made (with help from Charlie) a log jump (small but Sid's legs have to be taken in to account) and a spread.
Video of Ilka playing with a chew.

Molland and Ilka had to stop the video cos did not want him to hurt Ilka. How do you tell a cat off?

Did get a video of Molland (Charlie taught Molland to sit for food like a dog) but it was very dark