Sunday 20 June 2010

Border Union

Just to say Congratulations to all those placed at Border Union today, and hope all those who attended the FTA on Saturday enjoyed the day.
There is a misprint of the results on Fosse Data, showing Dee Dee in third place in puppy !!!
We weren't at the show today as Dee sustained a bad sprain injury on Friday !!!! So we stayed at home and had lots of cuddles.

How is Maggie now Karen is she over her injury ??? Honestly these dogs, 90 miles an hour and don't know when to stop !!!

Judith you seemed to have a very exciting time at the concert and what a stroke of luck to be in the right place at the right time.
All the recent photos have been lovely, and the Blitzan Mud Bathers seemed to be enjoying them selves.
Dee Dee sends best wishes on Fathers Day to daddy Logi, hope all the other dads have had lots of nice presents and been spoilt today.