Saturday 21 August 2010

Brodie, Louis & Arthur.

Sharon, what a gorgeous piccie of Louis and his dad. Now I see where he gets his good looks from, he is such a handsome boy. Glad Jim & Brodie enjoyed the grouse count, I thought about going but I still don't have sufficient control over Ghillie. - That is why I haven't returned to the GSP classes yet - I have visions of him disappearing into the distance after anything that moves, on the ground or in the air!!! He is getting better and the control is coming. Much to my amazement, he passed his bronze good citizen at the Crieff Highland Games. I am ashamed to admit that I hadn't the faintest idea what he would have to do, and I was gob-smacked and proud that he passed, so now, we are doing good citizen classes at Gill's 'Naughty Paws' club so he can do his silver and gold. It really helps training with someone who has Munsties and understands the problems that can occur. He is also doing a pre-agility course with Gill. This is all to get basic control over him and it is working and both me and Ghillie are loving it.

I don't write on the blog very often these days but I do read it every day as I love to keep up with all the news and the great things being done by everybody especially the 'Eternals' - what a great year they are having. Ali, you must be so proud.

Ghillie and I are off to the North Yorks Moors in a couple of weeks time to do a week long working trials course. Hopefully this will test out how our control and agility is coming along and get his nose working as he loves tracking. Will let everybody know how things go- maybe a wee article in the newsletter to follow up on the Nat Ap article which hopefuly will be in the next one.

Happy doggong everybody.

Lindsey & Ghillie.