I'll try again. The last one disappeared into the ether - that keeps happening to me :(
Welcome Carl & Sarah. I think Beecham has a brother in the Channel Islands, but in Jersey. You must be so excited. We will look forward to seeing photos in the future.
I love the two-tier sofa, Ali and Maggie's slide, Karen.
Like Megan, Wooster used to try to bury bones in the carpets when we went away (we don't have carpet here). Bosco buries them in pots. Wooster used to stare in bushes and plants. He'd stare into them for hours, absolutely transfixed. Beecham used to use the herbs as trampolines when he was a small puppy, but Bosco used to roll in them - he's taken out a half a bed of lavender :( Bosco has also made holes in the hedge rubbing his back; Wooster used to destroy lone conifers (which we were going to take out anyway). Beecham likes to wipe his face in plants in pots, even holly :0 If Wooster saw a rug, he had to ruck it up into a heap and sit on the top. If he saw a wall, he tried to walk along the top of it.
Beecham was a pickpocket as well. We said that we should have called him Fagin. Had we been that way inclined, we could have made a fortune! He preferred plastic and photographic equipment as other steals and once chewed up all our film from a holiday just as it was about to be posted. He loved picking up litter when we were out and was particularly adept at finding lost cricket balls. Gloves were another favourite steal, even if they were being worn. He also used to do down stays on his back with his legs in the air, but totally still as if he had rigormortus. Fortunately, he appears to have grown out of most of these habits, I say cautiously.
Bosco's loves to steal cushions. If none are available, and he can't steal any being sat upon (he tries), he will steal and bring me books, any books. Beecham has only stolen one book to date, which he chewed up. It was a book on cats, which I found hilarious.
Golly, it's hard writing posts twice! Tessa, WKC is tomorrow. Well done to you & Evie for tdday.
How's Tilly, Karen?