Hi all,
Carefully balancing a laptop on my very bruised legs I've been reading through the last few days posts. Was kept in over night in hospital, but out Friday and now on the mend, although with bruised legs it's amazing the things we take for granted that we do, that I'm finding somewhat challenging to say the least. Thankfully Neil's looking after me and off work for another week. I've been given a walkie talkie to stop me shouting when I need help to get up, reach something, generally move too far. Not abusing it though otherwise I think it'll be taken away.
Karen - so sorry about Tilly, brought a tear to my eye - my heart really goes out to you, her owner and your family - she really was beautiful. I hope Lydia managed to enjoy her birthday.
Well done Karen and Mazy that's a great achievement - having only recently been introduced to the world of dog shows I find it all fascinating.
Also congrats Narla & Logi - tis the season for lots of new puppy news. I'm excitedly awaiting Talleulah news on puppies - it's what's making me rest and follow doctors orders to the letter to help me recover quickly.
Big hugs to lots of you with good and sad news.
Will check back when I can - hopefully lots more over the coming days.