Monday, 24 August 2009

Roll on back to school!!!!!

Why you may well ask, well James decided to fitten some of the gang up by cycling off road with them, he did Prima and then Maddie who refused to go so then he came back for Summer, usually a prim and proper little girl she made up for it today. I heard James come back and shout for 'Dad', when he said the words preferably without Mum, I of course got up and went straight out to see what was wrong, thinking the worse, ie; Summer's injured, but nothing quite prepared me for what I saw stood in my kitchen!!!!!
Apprantly they got stuck in the mud!!! I think they bought it all home with them, and they are now BOTH in the shower, yes the same shower!!!!!
How much more of an odditiy can you get?!!? So now off to scrape mud off the walls, floors and clothes....... Boys and Munsters!!!! And you all think James is such a sweet helpful boy!!!!!!