Monday 31 March 2008

A lovely day out

As you can see I finally went up to see the babies and photograph them, a smashing chunky litter of cuddly boys, all are gorgeous, Grampy Logi came up to view them and loved them to pieces, we quite expected Kiesha to tell him to be careful but she practically dragged him over to see them, and whilst he checked them over with a sniff and a good lick, Keisha washed Logi's ears for him, She has always been a Daddy's girl, both doggy and human Daddy!
Majik also came out to meet and greet her husband and showered him with kisses and love, I really should of got video camera out, it was lovely to see as it's been a while since we last saw the girls, when I got home my lot were really put out to have missed out on the visit, they could smell the babies and the adults and Diva was so annoyed at me she has sloped off and wont speak to me now!
As I said the babies were really cuddly just like Diva's and Jiggy's I think these Rixbriar cross Blitzans are very successful, soft cuddly babies, they all think they are from one family anyway!

I hope you like the pictures, glad to hear Ceilidh is over her tummy trouble!!!!! Fancy ate a biro when she was a baby and it perforated her stomach, she nearly died and was very lucky to make a full recovery, sometimes you need eyes in the back of your head, just like children they are into everything, and yes Elspeth and Sophie I have crossed them with Tigger's I thought it would help with those who want to do agility! ;-)