Saturday 16 August 2008

Who needs em!

What a weekend so far. As I said last night I am looking after my sister's dogs for the weekend, Cassie and Six, who is 10 mths, didn't stop playing until 1.00am this morning, and started again at 6.45am. Six then managed to find a way of opening the dining room door whilst I was out paying a fortune for two new tyres. Once into the living room he obviously decided to jump at the front door, subsequently knocking the catch on the yale lock. Consequently, when I returned I was locked out! After phoning a couple of lock smiths and being told that the call out charge alone was £55.00, I decided that I would attempt a break-in. So, round to the back to climb the fence in the hope that I could break the glass of the back door. Well, with four dogs frantically waiting to greet me at the door I didn't want to risk shattering them with glass. Plan B: Bedroom window open, low kitchen roof may enable access. Drag ladder out from back of shed, position against wall......and climb.
I did manage to achieve my objective, but you have to bear in mind that I am currently off work waiting for a back operation! Needless to say, Six is now in the dog house!
On the subject of colouring changes, Cassie also developed darker patches on her tummy following being speyed, but I haven't noticed any difference in the length or texture of her coat. I followed the tip about chicken wings to help weight gain and am pleased to say that it seems to be working, although I think after this weekend she will lose it all again - her and six just don't stop! I'm worn out from just watching them!