Thursday 19 February 2009

Puppies, puppies, puppies...

They are so so cute love all the photos and Tinker is a star remeber Ilka tugging his tail when we went to pick her up now with Molland it's the other way round.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CASSIE sorry a little late.
Karen, that would have been funny to watch and well done Maggie.
Merlins, thanks Ali yes, think she was a little bit younger than a year old in the first pic but yes can't wait to see how Laila grows up does look like they may have a similar amount of spots when Laila is older, heres another pic, Ilka wasn't that happy with me taking photos of her back end she kept trying to turn round and get more of her face in but like you said Ali the band acroos her hips very like Laila.

Will put an agility video up later.