Sunday, 9 August 2009


Sorry to hear that the dreaded Kennel Cough is about Ali, hope they are all over it soon.

My dogs have the vaccine given up the nose, but if you are having it make sure you ask for the one that lasts 12 months, there is one that only lasts for six and that is not very cost effective, also if you are ever thinking of putting your dog in Boarding Kennels they will insist that they have had the vaccine, usually at least two weeks before they stay, as it is a live vaccine.

I love the pictures of best friends that have been on the daily dog, the one of the little girl is lovely she is very pretty.
I loved the pictures also of Elsa and Tilly, gosh isn't Elsa growing up, and what a lovely head and expression she has, Karen I would be careful with her around horses, I used to keep my horse on a livery yard and the people who ran it had quite a few dogs, one in particular had a nasty accident, I am sure Tilly would not mean any harm, but with feet the size of dinner plates you can't be too careful and horses can be unpredictable at the best of times, especially when something is behind them.
My Horse was was practically Bombproof, he won loads of handy pony classes, and stuff but on the rare occasion when he did shy it was usually something coming up suddenly from behind.

Wow Judith fancy being able to see all those balloons from your own garden, no wonder the dogs were fascinated.
I went out once on some local playing fields and there were loads of people with remote controlled planes, cars and things, must have been some sort of rally. Narla thought that was pretty fascinating, things that come down from the sky and then run along the ground, fortunately I saw them and put her on the lead and told her to leave, but the look on her face was priceless, I think she would have loved to go and retrieve a couple.
Hope everyone is having a good weekend, we are on the countdown now to my daughters Wedding next Saturday, so everyone is very excited.