Mandy, Beau is beautiful - very smartly turned out too. He is an unusual colouring with his white markings - I have never seen an American Pinto before. Are they the horses that have the high leg action? Let me know if Oscar gets better with the horse - I am keeping Elsa on a lead too now as just too scary. Maggie always gives her a wide birth so don't have to worry. Thanks Sandra for advice. I hope you have nice weather for your daughter's wedding.
Sarah, love the picture of Jed and Esme - what a good boy he is leaving her alone. Don't think my two would - they are turning out to be quite the hunters. Last week Elsa bought me a pigeon and Maggie a rabbit - so didn't need to go to Adsa)lol!
Have a good holiday in Portugal Mandy - are you taking Oscar?