Tuesday 27 October 2009


Hi Vinny and Amanda and welcome to the Blitzan Blog and also to all the other new members and puppy owners as well. As I have a litter of 4 week puppies myself at the moment I don't always have the time to post, but I try and pop in for a good read and look at the lovely pictures on here.
This is a really good tool to have in your armoury, if you puppy is doing something you don't want it to do, like pulling trousers, then distract it's attention onto something else.
A toy, a gravy bone, a ball all make useful distractions, have them dotted about within easy reach, and carry things in your pockets, so you always have something to hand, this way you can distract the puppy from negative behaviour and turn it into positive behaviour.

With hand chewing, let out a loud yell, so the puppy is aware that that hurt, that is what it's brothers and sisters would do, if it is really bad, and happens when you are playing with the puppy, stop the game, puppies have to learn that they play on your terms and with your rules, it may be necessary to sometimes have a time out and ignore the puppy for a few minutes, and then if necessary repeat, the above.
Puppies soon learn that if they play gently the game will last longer and if they overstep the mark the game stops.
With all the stuff in your pockets you will look like a window cleaner for a few weeks, put with a bit of patience and perseverance, they will soon learn, they are very clever this breed, and will have you trained to their liking in no time !!