Thursday 29 October 2009

Thank you

Thank you all so much, as you can imagine I am shocked but proud!!!! Means a lot especially just now. I put my heart and soul in to writing, editing and producing the 56 page book and to know it was appreciated and rated so highly makes it all worth while.
Doubly good timing as from March I will be coming off the LMC committee, I just can't do it all and something had to give, by then we will have moved up to Mudlarks so business will be well on the way, Summer and Darcy will hopefully be parents and I still need an large operation so all in all feel I can't give 100% which would be very unfair. Trying to fit in the newsletter, memberships, Discover dogs, the club shows and meetings it's impossible. Judith has made the same decision due to work commitments and feels like me if you can't give 100% it's not fair on the other committee members. So going out on a high and Christine, The Chair said said they were sad to lose me but totally understood and the door is always open. So who knows maybe again in a few years time if life permits.
I have to say though apparently someone was going around at Midland Counties saying I had fallen out with the committee!!!!!!! never ceases to amaze me, I can assure this person that we are all still friends and life is fine!!!! Surely life is too short to fall out with people?!? I certainly don't have the time or the inclination, or for that matter the energy either!!!
Thanks again for your congratulations more importantly I am so glad you have enjoyed my newsletters, makes it all worth it in the end.