Monday 12 October 2009

Welcome Vinny and Amanda. Its great to have so many new people ( and dogs) on the blog. Lots of photos and stories to come. Have to say I am very biased towards the name you have chosen for your pup Vinny and Amanda as we have a Murphy too (our Flat Coat).
We had another drama with Evie today as she got her bottom jaw stuck in one of those treat balls which has an adjustable hole in it. I tried to remove it but it was well and truly stuck and she was screaming (horrible sound). Rushed her off to the vets and she ended up having another anaesthetic so they could remove it -3rd operation in a fortnight!!!. Anyway she is fine now - hope thats it for a while.
Lovely pictures on here today. We have the same problem with all the pheasants too. We live on the Spernal estate which has its own shoot so lots of Partridges and Pheasants around - paradise for Evie. We have a good relationship with the gamekeeper and farmer and want to keep it that way as we have a lot of freedom to walk on the land which is fantastic. Always feel a bit nervous with Evie as she is a hunting machine and gets 'red mist' at times with all the game around so is not always that attentive to my commands so I try to stay away from the areas where they all gather and walk at times when people are not around. I think I need to a little bit more training although she does respond to my whistle well . Murphy is just the opposite and has never been interested in chasing anything. Evie flushed out a Roe Deer the other morning which came right towards Murphy and me then stopped and looked right at us. Murphy looked at her then at me as if to say 'isn't she lovely Mum' then just carried on walking.
Hope you are both well Ali and Rosie after your Operations today.