Monday 26 October 2009

Thank you all for your kind comments. We are delighted that you are all enjoying Tallulah's offspring. It does feel a bit strange with only three puppies here. Another goes tomorrow and then when Cosmos goes to America on 17th November it will just be little Tansy left. Tallulah seems totally unaffected and we suspect is rather glad to have our almost undivided attention again. It will be nice to see the floor tiles again and not be scrunching around on layers of newspaper! It has though all been a wonderful experience and well worth the effort. Haymakers has turned out to be an ideal place to have the puppies and who knows, in a couple of years we may well be seeing whether we'll do it all again with Tansy. Meanwhile we sit here thinking about all the puppies settling into their new homes and providing such happiness to their new owners.
Grania and I would like to say a special thank you to Ali and James who helped us through with their great experience. We made a great team didn't we.