Thursday 17 December 2009


Kat have you tried a rattle bottle ? You can make one from a vitamin container or plastic bottle, just put some small stones in and rattle when the dog is biting you, should also work on the other little problem as well.
Another method that you could try is a child's water pistol squirting it at him when he exhibits unwanted behaviour, best done so he can't see who is doing the squirting !!! The only draw back is that most Munsterlanders actually like water, and will try and catch the spray, and not always the best idea with soft furnishings, but may stop him in his tracks when stealing.
Another trick I heard was to pile a lot of empty cans up on the work top and then place some food in between the cans when the dog steals the food the cans come crashing down, and it is supposed to deter them from stealing from work surfaces, I haven't tried it myself we just hide things in the oven and Microwave and if we are going out shut the kitchen door, otherwise Narla can open the fridge door and helps herself, clever these dogs, a bit too clever sometimes.

Love the snow pictures Elspeth, thanks for sharing them with us, we had a little flurry this evening but I don't think it will stick.
Izzy looks lovely Jean thanks so much for putting up the video, it is lovely to see the puppies, and they all seem to grow and have changed so much, in such a short time. I think Izzy looks very much like Narla around the eyes but more like Logi around the muzzle, but she certainly looks very happy.