Thursday 17 December 2009

Roll on the snow...

Hi all,

It's been a little while since we posted so lots of catch up on. Apologies as we've missed some birthdays and all the puppies seems to be growing so quickly!

Dodger is up to my knees already and has the ability now to clear the work surface of anything interesting ( or that he's not supposed to have!), he has also learnt how to open doors. Very clever and mischievous puppy - so think he's certainly on parr with Jack in that department.

We've done an outdoor training class, but none of the classes here start til the New Year - so we'll be first in line for some official training. He's doing well though, we have mastered sit, stay, down (although it's more like pounce than delicately down), leave (unless it's toys, carrier bags or my jumpers!!!) and this week paw.
He has however developed a couple of frustrating little habits. First is chewing - not furniture or anything like that - instead mostly arms! We've tried everything thus far we can think of, but he keeps doing it. Not just to me (although mostly me), but everyone he meets. It's as though he thinks we're all big teddies to chew. It is possible to distract him - however he does it on greeting people and when he's being shown attention. There's no one specific thing that seems to trigger it - just whenever he has the opportunity.
Second is pretend humping (as Neil describes it hip action but no lipstick???) - thankfully mostly his bed, although legs are possible should he have a toy in his mouth. I'm hoping this is normal and just a phase.
Any advice on either of these would be great.
Got my fingers crossed for some snow - had a little dusting earlier at work, but nothing really here in sunny Bournemouth so far, although it's forecast for tonight. Can't wait to see how confused Dodger'll be. Rain confused him at first, although he loves it now.
Looking forward to seeing lots of pics over Christmas. We're going to try putting up the tree, but keeping it out of Dodgers reach me thinks!