Tuesday 29 December 2009

New year resolutions

Anyone got any? Mine is going to be to try and stop Maggie and Elsa, particularly Maggie from barking with excitement every time I let her off the lead. She is driving anyone that lives in a 5 mile radius up the wall! I have tried to stop her before but it requires an awful lot of patience which I don't have. This time though I am determined - so we will see but if anyone knows any fast cures for this I'd love to hear them! She also barks when I do any training with her as she finds this exciting and I have to be very careful not to over praise her as it makes her worse. Sometimes if I ask her to sit and stay and then walk away from her I will turn and blow the whistle and she yips all the way back to me - not sure how to stop that one as I can't tell her off when she is coming to me - anyone any ideas???!!!

Hope you all had a lovely Christmas - Maggie and Elsa had Christmas dinner with us and loved Frank's cooking! They also got a few presents, one being a rope/animal toy which there is not a lot left of - another was one of those Nina Ottosson toys - anyone tried them. I got them Casino where they have to find the treat in a little draw which is locked by a bone. I have only got to asking them to open the draw so far without locking it but Elsa is proving to be quite a genius and making Maggie look a bit slow.

Aly, Milo is gorgeous and so is his pal Merlin. They are a very handsome pair. We had a brief few days of snow but today has been horrible, raining all day and cold.

Glad you enjoyed your birthday James - what are you going to spend your money on?