Friday 18 December 2009

So envious of all the lovely snowy pictures - we haven't had any here in Warwickshire just very cold and frosty. Can't believe the amount some of you had. Great pictures of all the dogs and puppies enjoying the snow. How sweet of Summer to be taking it easy in her condition (hopefully). Do you think she will retire to her bed for the last few weeks of pregnancy Ali? Darcy looked stunning against the snow.
Had to smile at the counter surfing antics of some of these Munsters. Evie is not to bad in that department but Murphy our Flat Coat has,is and probably always will be a terror at it. He has had whole joints of meat, whole cakes and even took a mouthful of pasta out of a boiling pan the once. We too hide things away in cuboards, in the microwave, oven etc and after 7 years can safely say it is now second nature to us all not to leave anything edible within reach. Very clever of Narla to open the fridge - bet she has had some great midnight feasts!
Hope everyone is looking forward to Christmas. Our house is full of excitement!