Friday 20 June 2008


What a little minx, they certainly have us on a bit of string don't they. Karen don't be daunted by Hall barn, just give it a go, James is hoping to have a go as well, you wont be alone as a beginner. From what I have seen you have really put the ground work in, wish we had!!!!! Trouble with mine they don't 'do' dummies what the point Mum you need feathers not canvas!!

Glad you like the Diva interlude, she is daft, Sophie I have e mailed you back and as for names of our cats we have, Tinker, (we had her brother who was Taylor, you know tinker, taylor, soldier sailor, rich man etc etc...) Then Sky as in Skywalker in starwars to go with Princess Leah and Hans Solo, then James named two as a toddler from his favourite cartoon, Cosmo and Wanda, Ambrose as he is golden, Tonks amd Crookshanks from Harry Potter, Tiger because she looks like one and Trifle because she was a trifle small, all a bit silly but there you go!

Have any of you with puppies booked thought of names yet? Or are you waiting to see what they are like first......... James who will keep a bitch next year or the year after has chosen the name Tetra, which I quite like.