Thursday, 8 October 2009

Hi Sandra and Dave. Welcome to the blog and the world of Munsters. My name is Tess and we had our first Munsterlander last year (Evie) we also have a Flat Coat called Murphy. Looking forward to seeing Jack grow up and hearing about all his antics and seeing some pics of Bella too. They are a wonderful breed - we have two young children and Evie is lovely with them. My experience of Munsters so far is that they are gentle, very loyal, too intelligent for their own good, funny,beautiful and make wonderful companions. On the down side they do have a strong scent as I found out when Evie ran for miles after 3 Roe deer when she was only 4 months and she is a little more vocal than my Flat Coats. They do learn very quickly though and once I had been trained by Christine O (Evies breeder) and put into practice all the advice off everyone on the blog we soon got on top of that problem. You have a lot of fun ahead of you with your new pup and there are a lot of experienced owners on this blog who always have lots of good advice and funny stories to share.