Monday, 4 August 2008

Mouthing - getting excited

I can't remember actually having the mouthing problem with Domino, but she used to and still does get very excited when certain people come to visit. It's usually usually men who have made a fuss of her in the past, she doesn't forget. If we think it'll be a problem, i.e. when a frail old auntie visits, we put Domino on her lead so she can't get to them. Putting on a Halti seems to calm her down too and usually will go and lie in her bed. Other times, we ask visitors to turn their back on her if she gets excited and stand very still and not to talk or look at the dog at all, so she gets the idea that they're not interested. Usually she will greet us at the door with something in her mouth, so I think that's why we don't have mouthing. It will get better I'm sure, a 10 month old dog can be quite a challenge, they do grow up.