Thursday 1 October 2009

Hi All

Hope Evie recovers quickly Tessa. I remember what a pain it was keeping Maggie quiet when she was done - they recover very quickly. Elsa is in season so I will get her spayed next year - probably February time so she is over a year old- not looking forward to keeping her from running with Maggie!

Elsa is finally getting to grips with retrieve. She is always fine going to get it but then gets distracted on the way back or runs right past me. I did some this morning though and I tried to make it as exciting as possible - ie; high pitched happy voice etc (glad there was no-one else around to see me!) She actually brought it straight back a few times but then drops it at my feet to get a treat - I'll work on giving it to my hand later I think. If she drops it on the way back she never remembers where she has left it and I have to send Maggie to go and get it. Maggie is always very eager to show her how it should be done and sits shaking with excitement at my feet while I play with Elsa. At the moment I'm using a ball for retrieve as she has very little interest in the dummy. I'm hoping once she is bringing it back and enjoying it more I will try her with a dummy.

The other thing I'm finding difficult at the moment is stop to the whistle. Maggie is great at this and sits almost immediately when I ask her to stop. I'm not expecting Elsa to do it at a distance yet but if I ask Maggie to stop where she is Elsa pounces on her and poor Maggie is trying to shake her off while looking at me so now I put Elsa on the lead before I ask Maggie to stop. I have done a few with Elsa while she is next to me and so she understands that but if I do it at any distance she comes back to me rather than sitting where she is. Can't for the life of me remember how I taught Maggie so will need to get the books out again I think!