Tuesday 29 September 2009

Hello Jean. I remember reading about Sadie last year, very sad. Jensen and Willow look gorgeous. Look forward to seeing your Logi/Narla puppy grow up, I'm very jealous.

Kat - training, voice and treats work best with Mazy, have tried training using the whistle, my problem is finding where I left it last time it was used. Have also done a bit of clicker raining with Domino and Mazy with some success. I would definitely recommend finding a good trainer preferably who takes classes outside in a field rather than a hall. I'm pleased at how Mazy is doing, she passed her Kennel Club Bronze good citizen already. Also as well as training classes we go to a social group where lots of dogs get to socialise and play in a field together with a bit of social training too. I wish there had been the same facility for Domino when she was young, although she enjoys it all at nearly 9 years old.

Karen, did you manage to view the video after all. Try this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwVcd3yGSbA&feature=autofb