Wednesday 30 September 2009

Oh my Goodness Sandra - I can't believe how much the babies have grown. They look really well. Belated Birthday wishes - like you said what a wonderful birthday present Narla gave you.
Hi Jean and welcome to the blog. Lucky you having one of Narla and Logi's babies they are sure to be beautiful (although aren't they all!!!). Willow and Jensen look lovely - how do you think they will take to the new addition when it arrives? Sadie also looked beautiful - how nice that you have a bit of her in her baby. We lost one of our Flat Coats last year too so know what a gap they leave in your life. Do you live near Malvern or were you just visiting? I know that stretch of the Hills very well it is a great walk with the dogs.
Great pictures again of your pack Ali what characters they all are. Not long now for all those having a Tallulah pup- has anyone been to choose yet?
Evie was spayed yesterday. All went well although she was very wobbly last night but today she is back to normal. The only problem is trying to stop her running and jumping around like normal. I think it is amazing how quick animals bounce back from surgery. She also had a biopsy taken from a gland in her neck which keeps swelling so she also has sutures there too. I have got to wait a week for those results although they think it could be an abscess. Such a worry aren't they? I don't like to wish time away but I am looking forward to next week when I will be able to walk her again and will have the biopsy results back and get the right treatment for her.
Obviously will not be at the show on Sunday now so hopefully catch up with you all at a later date. Good luck to all those going.